
It is! It's fascinating how the everyday gross and mundane things humans have no choice but to engage in are proactively managed, so that most of us don't have to think about it.

I don't get it either! I have never slept on a flight for longer than the shortest of uncomfortable dozes. Until I can afford lie-flat seats on a first class long-haul flight, I doubt I ever will. It does not matter how early or late the flight departs.

Emphasize what, you dolt? You just nailed it - some people want bigger screens. Dur?

Um, no, it had nothing to do with that. Screen size =/= performance, and 5 inches is not twice the size of 3.5 inches. Stop fanboying before you hurt yourself.

Lol it ended up more just being a picnic, timed around brunch. Wasn't my own phrasing!

I am going through this right now. The wedding was last night. This is now day 4 of events around the wedding. And I'm still going to them. Central Park picnic brunch!

Ferguson was, and remains, all over my newsfeed and is in the top 10 on on the "trending" list as I type this. Don Lemon's near-arrest was trending on the site earlier this morning. World disasters and other terrible news items are regularly trending. I find the entire premise of this article flawed. I literally have

^ This! It's very arbitrary to go down this road of demanding representation for x / y / z in someone's work, just because it's popular.

Hi, homosexual male here.

This. Maybe it's because I live in NYC and I'm just flat fucking fed up with how nobody ever prosecutes speeders here, but Virginia sounds like they know what's what. If NY would send people to jail, full stop, for driving the way they do here, maybe we wouldn't be having children and old ladies getting plowed down

It's because Perry, with her big boobs and ditzy demeanor, exaggerates a lot of aspects of femininity for comedic effect. She is supremely confident and totally irreverent about the music she makes and image she projects. She is the total opposite of pretentious, and the same cannot be said about a single writer on

I'm going twice next year, to see the long night and the long day. Absolutely cannot wait.

One time, I had this hardcore astrology believer explain to me, in detailed terms, why being a virgo will make it difficult, if not impossible, for me to ever find lasting love. This was in our first conversation, and it appeared as though he didn't think he was rude whatsoever. These were just simple facts, written

Really, it depends on your own actions and the quality of your friends. I'm friends with some brilliant people, who post witty and insightful things on FB all the damn time and make it a joy to follow. I long ago hid or de-friended drama queens and other sources of weirdness and negativity.

Same thing happened to me lately. I just could not take this one jerk-offs never-ending cynicism and snark about absolutely every single person or thing in existence...if you wanted smug negativity, this is who you turn to. I called him out on one particular series of remarks and he took it very personally and

Really, that's the profile of AJ you got from this post? I got the vibe of a pathological liar, whiner, and entitled idiot who lacks any sense of true ambition or drive in his life, who blames everyone else for his own restlessness and angst.

You called?

y + o = yo - o = y + o = yo.

You. Are. Perfect.

Lucas did neither on Empire. Irvin Kirshner directed, Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan wrote the screenplay, and Lucas just detailed the story outline and served as a creative consultant. Probably why it's the best of the six.