It's an INSULT to give you something for free because it's not a brand new game?
It's an INSULT to give you something for free because it's not a brand new game?
So If I pay for Xbox LIVE, a year sub and Microsoft lets me download a game without making an additional payment for said game, it isn't free? You my friend are silly. Now if you were talking about Netflix, I would agree with you. But not on this matter.
The last thing I would ever want is the equivilent of MPAA raters in the videogame industry. We have the ESRB, but they don't dictate like the MPAA does, or regulate what can and cannot, should and should not be in the movie the director wants to put out if it wants a wide release.
Actually, my point about Lifetime was to illustrate a double standard. If we're supposed to share your views and get outraged about the depictions of women in male-orientated games like GTA (after all, isn't that the point of writing and displaying an opinion article publicly?), should we not also hold such scrutiny…
Dear god you have summed up my entire angst as of late with articles such as these with this entire thread. If I ever met you I would buy you a beer or challenge you to a game of your choosing. You are and for the rest of the day will be marked as Awesome sauce in my book.
God bless you, and your logical look at life in general.
What am I representing beyond the opinions of a single person? Should the world change to accommodate me simply because I have an opinion and can complain about it?
I've been playing games since the Atari 2600 days and I've never faced any incidences of prohibitively exclusionary actions from male players. My female coworkers and I often game together (we're even in a guild in Guild Wars 2) and we've never been told "Girls don't play these games so get out" by anyone. Ever. Does…
I'm a developer...I'm pretty sure I understand how software works. I'm not as familiar with OpenGL, but Carl Bently made it sound like something that would be relevant to the optimization. As you describe it, it isn't at all. Their optimization isn't easier because they're optimizing for OpenGL than it would be if…
I wanted Xbox One before and I still want it because it is obvious it is the superior gaming system, like Xbox always has been and now it has surpassed everything else in regards to being a better overall entertainment system too.
There's no utopian/Big Brother/screw us over like slaves aspect can buy what…
And this is why people think gamers are immature, basement-dwelling neckbeards. Have some goddamn courtesy. If you don't like the xbox one, don't buy it. Don't boo random guys from a game company who probably had no say in the decision to make the game an xbox one exclusive.
Some of these fanboys are just too much.
You can fail the standard battle QTEs and still finish the enemies off. That "complex combo system" is exactly what they're describing here, as you can either use that, or just mash your way to victory in GOW.
I don't see what's wrong with this. His description sounds exactly like God of War to me. Sure, you can mash and get through things, but if you want to be really great, you have to time the presses right. And last I checked, people liked God of War.
Okay history time: sega had blast processing, SNES didn't. What happened there? N64 had better graphics capability than PSX, what happened there? Xbox was far stronger than PS2, I mean obvious that made a huge diff right? No?
Well guess Gawker won't let me edit my original post.
So many ignorant comments on this thread:
So many ignorant comments in this thread.
Wow.. only Kotaku. This has barely has anything to do with the cloud. One, it's growing competition. Google is building the world's largest data center in Iowa, of course MS has to be there. Second, Iowa has tax breaks on electric and that's why every company is moving there. Not just MS. They are just moving stuff…
Or that they don't care about used games or online connectivity, have weighed the pros and cons like anyone who buys any product, and has decided there are enough pros to make the purchase. If you're big into used games, or don't like the console for any reason, that's fine, but can you possibly lay off the…