
I was pointing out that complaining about other people fixing your perceived slights always leads to some outside group initiating overall control in order to help someone else feel better. The problem with that is as stated this NEVER works and doesn't fix the problem. The individual whining needs to stop letting

Awesome response and thank you for stating the simple fact that governmental control of any kind will end up being used against the people that support it in the end and by that point it will be too late. Free speech much like Trevor in GTA V can be vile and awful, but it's just speech and as a counselor I can tell

So guys being a counselor I've looked into the idea of psychopaths at different points in my career. Did you guys see the article that heroes and sociopaths may in fact be dealing with the same brain disorder? The article pointed out that many sociopaths when run through a MRI has brain damage/brain dysfunction when

Actually your tried and true specs are WAY off. First off the GPUs are not the same he PS4 CPU is a new model but the base version, if you compared base stats on both barebone models the PS4 would win... But the Xbox One has a modified version of the older model tuned so that it can run at maximum load for long

Amen man it's amazing how blind people are about what exactly cloud computing is. Someone just told me it won't work on games....

I've tried reading this about 3 times and i think there is something lost in translation. Read the new informational statement from the Titanfall developer and then say cloud computing doesn't work....

MS isn't EA guys! Seriously you people are so biased its coming out your ears. The fact is that cloud computing DOES work.

Ahh but that wasn't cloud computing. That was EA voted the worst company in America last year if I remember correctly. The fact that one company who has a history of lying outright lies about something like Sim-City, a single game is in no way representative of the larger situation.



hey how the crud do I send you a pm so I don't share my gamertag with everyone?

Sorry man I totally over reactted and linked your name to the doofus ahead of you. I'm so gd sick of people whining about the way MS WAS going to run this system.... as of today is just a damn upgraded 360 2 woo lets cheer for people forcing us to accept programmers programming for the lowest common denominator and

Newflow how about you use your amazing IT background and apply what you supposedly know about network infrastructure to the following information ANYONE you is in the IT world should understand...

Yes I am saying that. Simply put you wont see programmers who are in crunch mode wanting and yes in many cases willing to formulate two completely different AI routines for a program. Simplification is what their bosses WANT, it's how they limit costs. Simplification is also something that programmers WANT it means

Viva seriously you don't get it. The standard HAS to be everyone will have a near constant connection (the 24 hour window means you have at least access to that) or THE DEVELOPERS WONT SPEND the MILLIONS it takes to develop games specifically for them. How many games for the xbox 360 required hard drive installs? Hell

Auberon, you're missing the Long-term goals of the MS developers. You need to watch the Tech interview video that was done after the initial launch 2 weeks ago. They want to make sure developers utilize the cloud based processing and can depend on EVERYONE having high speed internet access from the beginning because

Thank you sir you've hit the nail on the head. People have some legitimate concerns with DRM. Hell I've never been a fan. But by making sure every Xbox One buyer has a High Speed internet connection it means no programmer will hedge their bets and not use Cloud computing to create better game worlds.

Ok so I'm so tired of all the complaining about the console having to be online! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD can you guys not see the long-term benefits of this?