A. Random Asshole

Because people who have imaginary friends should never be expected to live up to anything in reality. They’re too shitty and stupid, and if they somehow manage to do anything good, it sure as shit isn’t because of anything their imaginary friend “told” them.

Why would you tell lawyers you believe in that?  The whole point is to get on the jury in the first place.

How did the petty theft one go?  That's a prime candidate for jury nullification if you ask me.

They store all kinds of shit in old salt mines because of low moisture and unused space. Music, movies for sure, but I dunno what else though.

They have to trust hired gun lobbyists because gun is right there in the name.  Nothing could ever go wrong there, they’ll bet your kids’ lives on it.

“How DARE you compare a bunch of crazy people who wanted Rian Johnson pre-emptively fired from future Star Wars projects to ME, a reasonable person who wants Benioff & Weiss pre-emptively fired from future Star Wars projects!  Here’s a four page screed on why I’m the only sane person left allliiiiiiiiiiiive!!!”

Shut up.

The main thing that struck me from the doc was that people had to pay for stuff at the snack cart. They’re on set for 12-18 hours a day going to this shitty little cart for snacks to keep them up and running because they, understandably, aren’t allowed to leave the lot, and HBO is too cheap to pony up cash to keep

The dick on that thing is wayyyyyyy too big.

I love watching snowflakes melt down and this is like ground zero for these losers who can’t even back their own bullshit without blaming their imaginary friends.

Why hide behind an imaginary friend when you could just admit to being a garbage person? “This guy in my head said no” is the literal lamest way you could go about this.

I look at all three Matrix movies more or less academically to play a game of “how would I make this suck less if I ever wrote and directed a reboot?”, but my wife basically agrees with you and refuses to watch the third one.  I find it hilarious to, when it comes on tv and we’re both doing other stuff and just want

Uh they just wrapped filming on Jay & Silent Bob Reboot. No joke.

Kill yourself, incel.  Tell your fellow Reddit peeps to do the same.

She was too old for him, he wouldn’t have had to buy her from her parents.

Yup.  Whoever booked her this interview and didn't prep her on it fucked up HARD.

One one hand, you’re right, Charlemagne is a dick and said all that shit in bad faith.  On the other hand, that’s how he always is and someone should have told her that and worked with her to develop a strategy to deal with him.  He talks a big game but he short circuits hard when you clap back.  I dunno if this would

Too much cleanup after.  Milk with a double dredge of flour, breadcrumbs and spices with wet/dry hand is waaaaayyy easier every step of the way.

Did you forget to transcribe the interview or just rush to hit publish before that part made it in? I don’t usually harp on you having no real editors but leaving out the actual explanation behind the headline is kind of a huge cock-up. Fix your shit.