
I have zero doubt Costas is constantly googling himself to find out what the “internet mob” has to say about him. Oh, and you just know he reads Deadspin daily.

Portlandia is anti-intellectual masturbation.

Good point. I always forget about that.

Agree except for "hate speech". More disingenuous trollery than that. but yeah.

Interesting that the last iteration of the vaccine was only 2 years before Roe v Wade because the similarities are striking.

Right. As it stands, vaccines are voluntary and sans people going door to door and taking bloodwork of children, they will remain that way.

Wait, how do we know ISIS doesn't think vaccines shouldn't be voluntary? Just because they allow in polio aid workers doesn't mean they think they ought to be required.

"His piss went back and to the left. BACK and to the left. BACK. And to the left. Why?"

We are officially in 9/11 truther territory.

I love an inspired gif bounty.

For what it's worth, it takes a whole new level of cynical prick to somehow bring Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton into this but I've been seeing signs like this and similar ones on Twitter - using this episode to somehow discredit #blacklivesmatter. It's the lamest of the lame.

No shit. That was an old school barn burner like the ones you catch on ESPN classic. I almost wanted it to be shot on that sweaty 80s TV camera and everyone to charge the court at the end (with a full understand that would be non sensical as the road team won).

Fair enough. Gawker does love them some Putin bashing.

The vast majority of ISIS' vehicles and weapons are American-made. The current reason being they were stolen from captured Iraqi army units, which makes sense. I'm not saying its deliberate, I am curious, if the roles were reversed how forgiving the media - esp say, a Fox News, would react - each time these stories

Curious how the American media would respond if a bunch of batshit Islamist mercenaries were running around Syria and Iraq with tons of Russian weapons, Russian tanks, Russian trucks, and Russian ammo? I'm curious if sentences like this:

Hi, I'm the guy that took this video and I can attest to the fact that this video only shows a small part of what he was yelling. He had been doing it for a while before I even got there. Weak ass defense indeed.

For what it's worth, it wasn't the only one of those confirmations I saw yesterday, just happened to be the one I filmed.

But it's been decriminalized goddamn it.