Happy Ex-Spouse Day Mikki! You'll never see this message probably, but you weren't a bad spouse and when you left it really sucked for a long time. Wishing you the best via the internetz!
What you described regarding house prices is exactly why we decided to buy in PWC rather than Loudoun. We looked at a house about the same size as the one we're in now in Ashburn and they wanted $400,000. Ridiculous! Too bad about the services and the schools though. I always assumed LC schools were fairly decent. I…
I live in Prince William which neighbors Loudoun to the south/southwest and I grew up in Fairfax to the east of Loudoun...and yeah - middle class means something entirely different here than it does elsewhere even in other parts of VA not too far from here. CNN Money recently had a Middle Class Calculator that showed…
Yay....I guess. Virginia. Above the median, below the upper.
I want the damn Veloster Hobo already!
As a Veloster owner I am supremely disappointed that they still have not debuted the Veloster Hobo
Seriously, Toyota?
I want to meet the blowjob ghost from Ghostbusters. DON'T JUDGE ME!
Times change. We can't exactly use it to expose to the public the sexual relationships between masters and their chattel anymore.
that's Mr. Jefferson thank you very much!
I can't wait to see this on all of my Virginia Tech and JMU alum friends Facebook pages...
If he rolls each of his eyes in a full circle ask him how many total degrees his eyes rolled as he dismissed your request to do math!
Oh god...
And here I am buying my kid Minecraft Lego sets...ugh.
had to check the grey comments to see if someone had beaten me to it. top notch trolling there Gillette!
As a resident of the DC metro area I couldn't be happier that DC will not be hosting the games. Because traffic. That's the only reason.
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Isn't that the handle to one of those things you use to plaster globs of gel to the inside of your shitter to keep it clean?