*sigh* As a former hooker that section in particular just hurt to read. The 160th deserves better than that... And since when was ANY Chinook ‘secretive’ short of (maybe) the Guns-A-Go-Go ACH-47A gunships?
*sigh* As a former hooker that section in particular just hurt to read. The 160th deserves better than that... And since when was ANY Chinook ‘secretive’ short of (maybe) the Guns-A-Go-Go ACH-47A gunships?
My 2012 Veloster hasn’t had any glass related issues its been all electrical. My clock is always wrong, the touch screen on the head unit doesn’t work half the time and when it does register a touch it usually registers an inch and a half down and to the left, the ambers randomly stay on sometimes when you turn the…
Whether or not it was intended to evoke Trump’s wall...when I was watching it I chanted out loud Build That Wall! (to the groans of my far left leaning sister-in-law). That’s just me though.
I have the Ecobee3 with remote sensor and an Echo Dot. The installation required some trial and error with wiring at the unit and the HVAC air handler, but the Ecobee customer service is amazing and helped me through the process. Once it was wired up and powered on the setup was simple. I love being able to see the…
I have the Ecobee3 with remote sensor and an Echo Dot. The installation required some trial and error with wiring at…
I don’t need additional reasons to hate the Dallas Cowboys...but I do like having them.
Ok I am 99% in the clear based off this list, but #6.... My last name is Hunt, but I don’t hunt. Can I get a ruling?
Calling it now. The Caps will lose game 7 of round 2 to the Pens...and then those motherfuckers will go on to win the cup again. And I’ll drink myself to death because I’m a Caps fan.
Read all his tweets tonight. Then scroll through his previous tweets and in particular find his article on how ESPN isn’t going to “stick to sports” and people should just get over it.
If nothing else can we all at least agree that its kind of sweet that these two fucking nutjobs found each other?
FrankenFiat... Looks like a 1965 that was modified using 1968 parts from at least three different Fiat/Abarth models.
If nothing else it’s at least good to know the Pontiac Aztek designer is still able to get work.
I believe his departure from the Night’s Watch was more of a “You can’t fire me, I quit!” situation.
I just realized my son is now older than I was the last time the Redskins won the Super Bowl.
Since you guys are on a ‘what if nukes’ kick this week can we get a similar article on the effects of the corresponding EMP released by a nuclear blast vis a vis effects on transportation, ‘the grid’, etc.?
Just gonna leave this here for you guys
I’m a whole lot more used to the big, green, whirly Chinooks than this thing. The so-ugly-the-ground-repels-it type of Chinooks are much larger and surprisingly more comfortable than this cramped camper, but the price difference between the two is vast. Can’t imagine cost and frequency of maintenance would be much…
I have been dipping nuggets in BBQ and sweet and sour forever and how others haven’t thought to do the same is beyond me. When the season 3 episode aired and my kids asked about the sauce I told them you basically take BBQ and sweet and sour, mix them together and you’ve got something pretty close to the old szechuan…
I’m not sure if it was Ellaria, her daughter(s) or all of them together. I thought I also read somewhere that Yara gets captured with at least one of them.
I’m guessing the gift will be Ellaria Sand or one of her daughters. Ellaria killed Cersei’s daughter, so he’ll bring her either the woman who did it or one of her daughters (eye for an eye kinda thing).