
The response given when the team was asked to sum up in one word how they feel about being lied to by Rice: Steamed.

Which one of you is most likely to be the first to announce you will no longer use the term 'Redskins'?

I giggled when I saw mine too. Showed it off to my wife all proud and she looked at me like I was an idiot. I don't wanna be right either.

clop clop

"Sons of bitches stole my idea!"

I want so badly to get a late 80s Jeep Grand Wagoneer and turn it into a Canyonero.

I feel so badly for my wife. She is from Turkey and never had a need to learn how to drive because she grew up and lived in the city her whole life. When she came to the US she rode a bicycle everywhere until after we got married and realized she needed a car. She was 20 years old and had been learning on a VW [new]

Some say his ASCII images are fine art like the Mona Lisa, we just lack the neural capacity to properly arrange them.

Agreed. It takes a special kind of incompetence to be fired for 9 months. Most people get fired and then become unemployed, but for 9 months she was "fired". It's like employment purgatory.

your classmate's sister-in-law is a whore

Paging Dr. Freud! But seriously though was she under the influence? I've seen people react very strangely to others trying to help them when they've had a few too many or are otherwise inebriated.

You mean "mew mew"?

I got the hiccups before finishing this article. THANKS FOR GIVING ME EBOLA YOU BASTARDS!

Oscar and Drab were cool, Chad is, was and always will be a giant fucking douche. I hung out with Elliot and he was light years nicer and generally more personable than Chad. Washington DC metropolitan area radio sucks too much to deserve this much attention. Now stay tuned to HOT 99.5 we've got another Kane Scam

haha 3 likes - himself, his mother, his lawyer.

Jack Burton: What's in the flask, Egg? Magic potion?

Enter code 1-2-3-4-5 for great helmet

Coming up with a pun for this really tested my mettle.

I know that I shouldn't...but I feel inadequate because my Veloster doesn't put out 600hp