
If my account goes silent it is because my wife has killed me for cutting the roof off of my Veloster trying to turn it into a Hobo.

issues, man...

What the...? least 'slave' returned 0 results. jesus...

plot twist: it has something to do with #15

Getting into this car hungover you will find a new definition of pain and suffering as your are slowly digested over a thousand years.

His feelings on this may depend upon the size of one or both of the women's clitori... clitoris'? ...what's the word I'm looking for here? Someone help me find it.


He bought it at the gift shop. They were having an apparel blowout.

Florida, man...

Your stepvan is causing your bank account to write checks the USAF can't cash! sorry, read the whole multimillion-dollar aircraft thing and immediately went to that scene in Top Gun.

but...Cleveland rocks. Doesn't it? The Price is Right guy told me so!

as a Northern Virginia resident I was more surprised that the map didn't include Ravens, Cowboys, and Steelers fans more prominently in my area. That's all I seem to run into besides, of course, Redskins fans. Cowboys fans usually crop up where no (good) team exists within a particular region hence why what we in

Yo, bartender! Jobu needs a refill.

FWIW ladies of jezebel - as a father of both a son and a daughter I promise equal pay for equal work.

I'd pay cold hard cash! And I could maintain it myself! (former CH-47D crew chief)

....these aren't Ke$ha lyrics?