Adam Haun

Interesting that the South seems to have a much more coherent identity in the boy name maps. You can see it in the girl maps too, but not nearly as strongly.

Just got mine last week. I've been getting them once a year for at least five years. My arm was a little sore for the rest of the day, but it was barely noticeable. I've never had any flu or cold symptoms. It's very unlikely that you'll need to take time off from work.

Dear Sluts,

It is now known that fighting kids over food contributes to picky eating. Unfortunately, the research was only done in the last 15 years or so, which was way too late for me. There's a great book on picky eating called Just Take a Bite, but it's all early childhood stuff:

I got the impression that occupational therapy was something for kids, but maybe I was wrong. I'll look into it. Thanks for the info.

Adult picky eater here. When I was a kid, most foods tasted bad enough to trigger a gag reflex. Sometimes even the smell could do it. My parents would make me sit at the table after dinner until I had taken "no thank you bites" of all the food on my plate. This could take up to an hour depending on the food.

Come on, she can't have *that* much perspective; she still thinks that interns can be taken seriously.

Yeah, I know. Probably should've said "the NRA crowd", since it seems to be one of their standard lines from at least as far back as Columbine. Sadly, they seem to be the most vocal ones.

This morning on Fox & Friends, chirping moron Elisabeth Hasselbeck started off her tenure as the morning show's Official Concerned Mom by parroting the right wing talking point that gun violence shouldn't be politicized, and that what the government should really be doing is taking a long, hard, look at how video

I'm most of the way through planning my wedding. I'd suggest first making sure that you and your BF are aligned on what you both want. If you don't want to get steamrolled by family, agree on that first. If you want a small wedding, agree on that first. Present a united front. Only accept money for something when

I get that too. In my case I think they're just trying to find conversation starters. Still annoying, though.

It was probably a typo for "goad".

Wow! That cat looks like it's going to rain fire and brimstone on my city.

I knew people took the soaps and other little stuff, but I'd never heard of anyone taking pillows or furniture. How does that even work? Don't most hotels get a credit card number?

Seriously? People steal hotel pillows?

Yeah, I love how he's talking about carding people to verify their age but won't just give a number for his.

The tricky part is when there's not much you really need, and what you want is too expensive to ask for. My fiancee and I have each been living alone for the past several years, so we have too much household stuff between us already. We're trying to list things we'd like to upgrade, but there's only so much of that.

Remember when you were expected to be tough, and not worry about what people said? Unless they're feminist women, in which case I guess you should worry a lot.

I see very little on there that wasn't covered when I was in middle school in the mid-1990s. Some basic arithmetic, geometry, and algebra; elementary school-level grammar; and world geography. The history is mostly memorization of trivia. The government section is a somewhat better, except for "how many electoral

Now I really want there to be a place called Stone Cold Lotus.