Adam Haun

We’re still cleaning up the mess from things George W. Bush did 15 years ago, so that doesn’t seem likely to me.

For a little while. After a few years? Probably not. I would argue that car accidents are bad enough to begin with. Whether it’s getting injured or having to pay a small fortune and spend lots of time to fix or replace your car (and cover the increased insurance premiums), nobody is okay with having a car accident.

You laugh, but I once saw someone try to argue that safety features in cars encourage people to drive dangerously, and thus cause more accidents.

It kind of is, though. That World's Smallest Political Quiz / Political Compass is a great example. They define the opposite of libertarian to be authoritarian, and authoritarians are bad by definition. Therefore, everyone who doesn't want to be an authoritarian must be a libertarian! (Don't worry about that other

Thank you! Few things piss me off more than people from cool climates telling me how childish I am for wearing shorts when it's a hundred degrees outside. Maybe it's just a New York thing — I had a guy from New York try to tell me once that white athletic socks are only for little kids and that women would never be

That's the immediate practical result, but it's not the heart of the ruling. The court ruled that, under the rules of the RFRA, strict scrutiny applies to the contraceptive mandate. The mandate fails that test because (in the majority's view) there's a less restrictive means available of providing contraceptive

I'm glad I'm not the only one. Plus, who gets a 90+-minute movie deal based on a series of immature six-second gag videos?

I'm not an expert on the mythos, but I'm pretty sure that Slender Man doesn't kill people with knives, or adopt people who do.

There's a whole web site for stories about this. It's run by a church that's trying to make a difference. The main page is down (for relaunch in 2015, apparently), but the stories are still posted:

Banana seeds look like this:

Using a moving average to measure your weight is a good idea, but I think you're missing the reasoning behind it. Fat loss is *slow*, much slower than day-to-day weight variation. To lose a pound of fat, you need to burn 3500 calories on top of whatever you eat. Unless you're in a North Korean prison camp, you're not

Yeah, that section confused me a little. "Want to attract a guy? Be a Photoshopped picture of someone he's never met!"

His profile page on the university site says he got his bachelor's in Beijing. English is probably his (distant) second language. Ideally, professors at English-speaking schools would be required to have a good grasp of English, but it's very common in technical fields to have professors with terrible language skills.

Prolog is a logic programming language. You enter logical statements and the resulting program can draw inferences from them. The question seems to be phrased as a series of such statements:

This has really been a banner year for female characters in gaming. The Last of Us (deservedly) stole the show, but Bioshock Infinite had a similarly great female lead. I just finished Beyond: Two Souls, which is a great story starring Ellen Page by the folks who made Heavy Rain. Even the new Tomb Raider was pretty

I was extremely bothered by the misspelling. Glad I'm not the only one.

The Twilight books are awesome(ly bad)! People who have only watched the movies don't know what they're missing — all the really abusive stuff from the books got edited out. (Yes, it can get worse.)

On my world, it means "hope".

I think it's less about the ex and more about the friendship. When you date someone, you tend to bring them along to social events. Dating a friend's ex often implies that the friend is forced to spend lots of time with their ex, which can be awkward. It forces a choice between seeing the ex and not seeing the friend.

Maybe if it were "The Ronald Reagan Freedom America Everything Was Better In The Fifties Obamacare-Defunding Memorial Post Office".