Adam Haun

Urinals don't have toilet paper nearby, anyway. We'd have to hobble over to a stall or a sink, which would be a bit awkward.

"[Expletive] the White House Correspondents' Dinner" seems like great advice regardless of whether you're raiding Osama bin Laden that weekend.

I too was shaped by lawn mowing while my sisters did laundry, but thankfully in the opposite way. I hated going out and getting all sweaty and itchy (every weekend in the Houston summertime). If I ever end up with a lawn and a female first child, then I'm foisting that task off on them as soon as they can pull the

I was curious enough to dig up the original text of the bill, and discovered that it specifically applies to "traditional winter celebrations" only. Muslim holidays follow a lunar calendar, and could thus be excluded. They could probably knock out the major fall/spring Hindu holidays, too.Fortunately, Christmas and

I'm a bit confused by this. Don't senators have staffs and interns? Shouldn't there be more women around than just the female congresspeople?