
For men, that perspective is based on a culture that treats sex as something for them to win, accumulate, accomplish. Pushing past the point of predictable resistance is, in that understanding, a measure of merit. This gamification of sex teaches men to be opportunistic and to err on the side of getting what they want;

Yes, it is always wrong to make the advance after the woman says “no.” If she is operating with the antiquated rulebook of “coyness” in hand, she will learn not to do that, just as men are now learning more and more about consent. Also if a woman likes you and sends the wrong signal, she WILL find a way to correct

You’re not alone. None of us are proud of how you’ve acted in the past.

Thank you for your response. For sure, the education thing is the most important, as is calling other guys when I hear or see it.

Excellent work, Hannah.

Oh,of course he wouldn’t be. She likes them tall.

I don’t know. Mcgregor strikes me as the type who would have Helen Mirren on his bucket list.

He was 23, she was 28 and an art person on his film. He pursued her relentlessly, they got together, she became pregnant, they got married and it lasted for 22 years.

I’ve been at the front of the line since 1996. Get back.

She’s 32 and actually a pretty successful actress who’s been around awhile and makes music. Saying a “younger model” sounds kinda dismissive of her career and abilities. She was great Fargo and Cloverfield Lane.

Or they got married in their super early 20s and realized after a long time of making it work that they needed to separate? By all accounts he’s a really lovely dude. :/

You can have him. Dude made movies with both Roman Polanski and Woody Allen.

I will share him with you, together we can win.

Congratulations* on their long relationship!

Lainey has long danced around the issue of their open marriage, so I doubt him seeing someone else is why they are divorcing.

A+ gif choice.

Everyone is entitled to a chance I guess

Actually no, sorry. ITS MY TURN.