
I would argue that that 7% is massive. Among Democrats, her voting record is much more similar to Evan Bayh’s, who is absolutely a Republican-lite hawk, than to Bernie’s – he’s long been the leftmost member of Congress.

I hadn’t seen those numbers and if that’s accurate, it’s a huge increase over 2012. It still doesn’t change that only a little over half of that turned out, and only half of them voted for her.

I have two advanced degrees and working on a third, and many of the people I’m talking about are similarly educated/worldly. There are many things that Hillary is only for recently, or her support is surface. Like I said, I wasn’t here for this, but she and Bernie are not remotely the same candidate:

I agree with you there, but as someone who’s voted for her in the past and watched her vote like a Republican time and again, I understand their frustration, and I can’t stop them from behaving stupidly. Our best chance to is give people a candidate that they can rally behind, and it’s not Hillary.

This is the math: New York votes Blue in presidential elections. Only 25% of New York’s eligible voters are registered Democrats, so the 30%+ margin of victory in November isn’t coming from them, AND Hillary only won about half their support. In the Blue states that have already voted where we can see what a Democrat

And I know plenty of women, POC, activists, leftists, and independents who would almost certainly stay home in November if Hillary is the nominee because they cannot stomach voting for someone who shares none of their views and has actively damaged their communities. I don’t agree with abstaining, and I won’t, but

I’m saying if the same independents we need in the general could vote in more of the primaries, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Yes, more than 9% might vote for Hillary in November, but not nearly as many as want to vote for Bernie. All you have to do is look at the blue states where independents can vote to

This is what it means when Bernie talks about the system being rigged. It is, and it’s only because two of Hillary’s wins last time were included at 50% (MI and FL were held too early) that Obama was even able to win. Well, that and the fact that the entire Democratic establishment hadn’t endorsed a candidate before

It seems like everyone watching this primary season has forgotten that Obama won at the convention in 2008 because Hillary’s wins in Michigan and Florida were only partially included as those primaries were held too early. If it weren’t for that, she would have been the nominee and we would have missed out on the most

No, but if even 20% of Independents in New York had voted for Bernie he would have had twice the votes and won by miles. The point is that the votes for Democratic victories do not come from registered Democrats. It’s not numerically possible in New York or anywhere else.

Here’s what worries me: when Independents can vote – as they could only in RI tonight – Bernie wins. Among registered Dems in the most populous Blue states (NY, PA) with closed primaries, somewhere approaching half are for Bernie – none have a “commanding win” for Hillary, and those are the states that Dems need to

Totally Philip and Charles. That maternal-line baldness thing is garbage. Pretty much every man I know has his father’s hair-growth pattern–particularly the ones who are bald or balding.

I saw an article about it in some Dr.s office tabloid. She does dress him more casually for non-official things and combs his hair differently. It’s a pretty smart tactic actually; I don’t know how many times I’ve crossed paths with celebrities in New York and not realized it until later because they weren’t in their


I think those are the same pants, just plus a few extra months of being away from military training and exercise. :/

Was just going to say this. William and Harry are wearing almost exactly the same outfit down to the shoes, William’s is just fitted properly, while well on his way to drunk uncle status by the looks of things, now that he’s out of military training. He’s a pretty loathesome aristo-bro, but I did enjoy

I knowwww. He’s lasted longer than poor Wills (it’s really amazing how much of a difference good hair can make to a man’s looks, isn’t it?), but it looks like it’s going and taking all that ginger glory with it.

That’s what I thought, too. While maybe a touch inaccurate, it doesn’t seem wrong as a power move by the mistress of the king, whose main social currency is her sexuality and the fact that other men present can’t have it.

Even longer ago than that – Pygmalion’s Galatea was the original real doll. This guy was clearly frequenting Athenian MRA agorae.

It’s definitely true that screwball comedies after the Production Code translated sexual tension into physical tussling, but, I mean, the Code had much the same purpose as these spankings – it was designed to restrict depictions of anything outside of law-abiding, Christian, patriarchal, heteronormative married life.