
You seem to be more comfortable with shows where, even if there are competent women included, there’s still a white man at the center of the story calling the shots–Ricktatorship much? I mean, it says everything about why a show like this is not only great but NECESSARY that you couldn’t even come up with one other

WHYYYYYYY did you have do destroy my illusions. Cannot unsee.

This was all I could think about while looking at that photo of them at the altar.

Let me also point out that she’s seen me work my ass off to come back from fairly serious illness to be the size that I am, and that we were also at the beach (I was in a hard-won bikini) when this went down.

This was just a year or two ago, at the holidays with my mom. She was prodding about why my love life is not great in my 30s (which legit, I really don’t have a good answer for other than that a lot of my friends are in the same boat). I was trying delicately to point out to her that she (former model who married at

Thinks he can use Jebi mind tricks.


He’s a dude who wants high-fives for deigning to find “ugly” women fuckable, is what he is.

Someone needs to turn off the tap and stop this douche nozzle from spraying all over everything. Just ew.

I never used to understand what old ladies were on with the creepy cold cream, I always thought it must make your skin so oily and gross. But I’ve found that, after I’ve washed my face, lathering on whatever face moisturizer I’m using and then wiping it off with cotton rounds not only removes my make-up, it

For years, my go-to for this has been Nars Trans Siberian, it’s a semi-matte plummy blood red. Looks good and vampy on my blue/yellow-undertoned pallor, without looking costumey.

This is interesting. I love a red lip but I usually can’t be bothered with anything more than a stain because I hate maintaining and reapplying traditional lipstick. The whole matte lip thing caught my lazy attention, though, and I tried the NYX matte lip cream on the advice of a lot of reviews, but the touted

Well, I have almost none and I’m pretty sure that it makes me more prone to UTIs; I have to be really careful. So, pubic grass may be greener on the other side of the labia? (That took a turn somewhere).

Me when I got to “ham wallet”:

I’m all for shaming anyone who enforces an arbitrary, porn-driven body standard on women, and yes, for the love of Aphrodite don’t go chopping off pleasure-bringing parts of your anatomy. But as with the “real women have curves” brigade, can we stop saying that real/adult women look any particular way? My fully adult

Can we also take whoever designs panties with a huge seam up the front to the firing squad? Seriously, isn’t that like instant crotch wedgie for almost everyone? wtf.

Let’s add yummy mummy and Glamma (instead of grandma) while we’re at it.

Have to disagree with you about doggie style. It’s a great way for someone to access your external and internal clit simultaneously. It actually works particularly well with men who are average or maybe even a little smaller than average.


I started at 11 or 12 – thanks What’s Happening to Me? ! - and I agree that girls need more education/social permission to learn what feels good for them on their own time and terms. But being able to communicate what you like, and having partners who will actually listen, or give a shit about anything beyond consent