Ahh, the Park Slope Pavillion. Apparently it’s finally going to be gutted and replaced with a new Landmark/Angelika-style theater.
Ahh, the Park Slope Pavillion. Apparently it’s finally going to be gutted and replaced with a new Landmark/Angelika-style theater.
Can someone describe/ circle/ something where the phone is in that picture? I dunno what my problem is, but I can’t parse it out. Sadly, I imagine that all the publicity for this will lead to copycats, cause most of us just aren’t going to take the time to scour restrooms/hotel rooms/ seemingly private spaces that are…
Clearly you have not encountered the Jez pro-ginger faction. The truth is out there: male redheads can be sexy, too.
Witch. Hazel. It doesn’t sting (too much) or stain, smells nice, and it has nipped many sunburns I could feel getting going in the bud. The sooner you realize you are burned and get the anti-inflammatory skin treatments and ibuprofen going, the less likely you are to lobster and stay that way for days. But seriously,…
Ada Lovelace heartily approves of this story.
Yeah, and the STEM fields are not those subjects. A lot of idiots defend the overwhelming male domination of tech by saying “well we can’t hire more female CS graduates than there are,” devolving the conversation to girls like pink and reading, and math is hard. This story should be required reading for all…
Right? If literacy and academics don’t improve for boys over the break, then don’t let her into the boys-only remedial reading and academics club, based on testing.
Yes, definitely negative, wasn’t trying to make a value judgement–just pointing out that it’s often presented that way in American media culture, where brashness is set up to = superior. Interesting that it’s noteworthy to people from other places.
No, I don’t think it’s more “feminine”–you can be kind, thoughtful, and open, without throttling your voice and your point with unnecessary apology words; that’s just the patriarchy holding us down. I commented on this below, but I’ve worked really hard in 9-5 work life and now as an instructor to not contstantly say…
For sure, we shouldn’t blame or judge the speaker, but one way we can stop this is to stop doing it ourselves and make it less normal, in addition to actively teaching young women not to do it. There are plenty of ways to be kind and open in your speech, without linguistically making yourself as small as possible.
I’m not so sure about that. I’ve made a strong effort to not apologize constantly and to avoid “hedging” words like “just,” “kinda,” “sort of,” and “a bit” in speaking and writing. I’ve definitely gotten some negative pushback–mostly from supervisors, the worst from a 60+ older, British male boss (shock), and another…
Yeah, but the whole meme of “Canadians apologize for everything” is a way of painting Canadians as subordinate to American brashness, so it’s kinda the same thing.
Silly, but it makes me happy whenever Jezzies refer to their partners as Mr. [Jez Alias]. Matriarchy. Also, gives me hope.
I shouldn’t be laughing but this is awesome and the laughing makes me feel better about the thing I shouldn’t be laughing about. Bill Cosby is the worst. Fuck him and his pudding.
So weird, the formal nin with the rest of the phrase. I get so creeped out every time I see this damn picture.
*Underemployed english major raises hand* A book club is a great idea. Seriously where has this post been in all of Jez herstory? Please do this every summer, or every season! I actually have time to read fiction this summer for the first time in awhile and have been looking for more real/less white/less lit-bro…
Also, your Jez alias wins.
Aw, that’s heart-breaking. Even more so on his adorable baby-face.