
90 semi trucks seems like a huge waste of fuel.

Ah. You’re right; I had the timeline of the original and the recut resleases backward. So, a prestige drama flop, not fitting the summer blockbuster flop theme of this list.

I think you and bfred are both right. Nathan Rabin introduced the term (which he’d thought of earlier) to describe Kirsten Dunst’s character in a review of Elizabethtown in 2007, and in the same passage mentions the Natalie Portman character in Garden State.

No Heaven’s Gate? Does that mean Santa doesn’t have the budget to bring me a full-size period-authentic working steam locomotive?

He has an interesting long-read in the New York Times, adapted from a book whose publication is upcoming, about what birding and connecting with nature has meant to him.

I must confess, part of me thinks it’d be worth five grand to drive a leftover stunt car from the Dallas/Dukes of Hazzard crossover episode that never happened.

If you want one, this is the one you want, though I don’t want one, so ND for just the right buyer. At least the ante is fairly modest if this is what you find rewarding to own (or are supplying them to movie and TV productions or somesuch).

These seem like some weak charges under the circumstances, but perhaps they decided second-degree murder was too much of a reach under statute.  Manslaughter with a firearm can however carry a heavy penalty.

If this is attack rather than play, it’s interesting that they went for the only part of most sailboats that is really vulnerable to them—and one that is critical to controlled sailing in a chosen direction.

You want one of these or not, with little in between. I suspect that what members of that “kind of an odd club to join” have in common is flamboyant extroversion and probably a vested interest in being the object of public attention. This seems to be the going initiation fee at said club, but the long years sitting

Of course, it’s important not to let speculation get ahead of factfinding, but this is surely one of the things they’ll be looking at. The incident is circumstantially reminiscent of the death of golfer Payne Stewart in a Lear 25 (an older and perhaps somewhat entropic one, if memory serves). No response either by

Ad was up and down in one day, and if the car is even in the ballpark of being as good as described and depicted, at that ask, I’m hardly surprised (post pandemic market + traditional California premium and all that).

For those keeping score at home, the ad is 696 words long, of which the actual information about the car is 23 words, and that’s being charitable by including the asking price and the phone number. All the rest is a massive twosie of search engine spam.

Indeed. One may think of this in terms of easy stereotypes (a parent going into a casino or a drug den or something) but it happens to smart people (one was a scientist), the very image of caring people (a social services worker on each coast). and mostly just everyday folks who proved human and fallible at the worst

J0hn Carpenter’s version of The Thing ended perfectly and is a really good, maybe even great movie altogether. And of course it is based on a landmark story from written science fiction. A sequel has a lot to live up to...

Yeah, with a nod to the old Tavarish column hereabouts, if I’m going to come across as a budget baller, I want a lot more emphasis on the “budget” part.

this Audi is being offered on Craigslist under the “By Owner” section, however, all the images in the ad are watermarked “FM Formula Motors” implying it’s a dealer sale. { emphasis mine} That really shouldn’t matter, though.

It’s a beautiful example of a car that would get a lot of attention at a Radwood or a period-Chrysler meet-up, for a what-the-hell asking price, and yet the ad has been up for 24 days?!? Some guesses:

Whether it offers the fuel burn and dispatch reliability and maintenance costs per seat of comparable (and very mature) Boeing and Airbus products—those will be huge factors in whether it sells outside of more or less captive markets.

What model of scooter is this? Despite the persistent “moped” terminology, scooters these days overlap with motorcycles in size and power, and in many or most states, the more powerful ones are allowed on the freeway.