
If it was stock at that price, sure.  The wheels are just wrong…the width of the wheels on the back are laughably too much for the car.  I’m not going to trust a long term owner that doesn’t detail the changes in the ad.  I’m assuming unreported fender bender. ND.

I voted ND specifically because of the seat belts.

Toyota quality or not, I can’t bring myself to NP a $10k 17-year old base model 4cyl AWD transportation appliance. My brain short-circuits to pre-COVID-era-shenaniganry when something like this would’ve been considered high-priced at $6500. NO DICE ON PRINCIPLE.

That’s tough at $10k. I mean I’m looking at a CX9 in front of me that’s 6 years newer, nearly twice the power, with a much more usable 3rd row and 81k miles for $9k. Behind that is a 2017 Pathfinder with $97k miles for just under $9k.

Never thought I’d see a RAV4 touting rarity. ND.

Rear diff is glass, and all the mounts in the car are way too soft and wear out fast. Bad wheel hop under power too. I love mine but it was definitely a first draft that got improved in the second generation. 

That’s a mod. Factory it had a large single goldish colored cover. Source: I own one. 

On the contrary: that rear axle assembly is a time bomb, with axle tramp lighting the fuse.

100% this. Somebody was doing the dance where a car that actually lives in MA (with inspections) is registered in NH (no inspections), and they finally got caught. And 300K miles in New England means it won’t pass MA inspection anymore. (Even though if you go to a “lick ‘em stick ‘em” place, as my dad called them, you


ND in Houston Texas. No AC is a no go here in Sweatland...

You got to be kidding....even for a Honda, 216K miles is a lot...and in shit paint, shit interior, broken this and that, and they are asking for >4K? This is a $1.5K car at best.

Living in sweaty south Florida makes me pass on this fun little buzz bomb.

It’s credit card money, but your credit card will get plenty of exercise keeping it going, BTDT. But if you like them, the price is good - just be aware it’s merely the down payment.

Included in that are a new alternator, water pump, and fuel pump, along with some freshened front struts.

oh jesus CHRIST i am like 5 miles from this thing. somebody talk me out of buying this my wife is gonna kill me

I would deduct the cost of decently painting back to the original color and negotiate downward from there.

That’s exactly where my record scratch kicked in too. If this is how the paint was done, what other cheap ass shortcuts are you going to find that will take so much more money to correct? I don’t know where to price this thing, but it ain’t 60K for me.

If you’re going to the trouble of changing a car’s paint color, you need to go all the way—yank the motor to shoot the engine compartment, underside the hood, trunk, underside of the trunk lid, door jambs—all of it. And here, despite the money spent on the car, that wasn’t done and the result looks completely crass.

I didn’t think so, but I found stuff online that says the the 2000 Camaro has a resetting breaker for the windows. If that’s true the Firebird would, too. It also said the Body Control Module solder joints are a common fault, there could be a short or an open there.