
My (mis)understanding is that a place that isn’t actually a diner is still dining out on the “Wild Hogs” connection.... which still brings people through town.

You’ve read a fair bit here (and doubtless elsewhere) about how The Shield had one of the best finales ever. It also has one of the best pilot episodes ever. Maybe watching that will help you decide whether to take the trip in between?

Seems kinda pricey, but also a very well kept low mileage example of a fun little car, and I’d agree with our Mr. Emslie that it’s substantially nicer looking than its Pontiac sibling. If in the market for such a car, I would go down there and feel out the seller’s willingness to negotiate.

I can agree to that, and will merely contend that it would have been a perfectly coherent and perhaps stronger show had they never gone there in the first place.

people were calling the “Walt dies” ending in the first season

All the more surprising in a show (and an era of Trek generally) with multiple strong female characters...

Agreed, but it’s the show’s responsibility, not ours, to make what happens feel both plausible and earned.

Yeah, had they relegated the whole Prophets thing to Bajoran backstory (and maybe a bit of deus ex machina in the wormhole for the Dominion War) instead of bringing it onstage, the show would have been none the worse, maybe even better, as far as I’m concerned.

Well... maybe in a third-person synoptic perspective, it did lie in ruin. Despite the thin tissue of plausible deniability he tries to put between himself and his wife, my bet is that in the real world she grows old in Federal prison.) But he doesn’t fully know about the trail of the dead and the doomed that he has

Definitely a twist I didn’t see coming. They set up a conventional resolution to one of the grand plot arcs of the showSisko dealing with his wife’s death, meeting somebody, and moving on with his life—and then back comes the metaphysical side.

Your username makes me think of another omission from the list...

The second best final scene and line of dialogue (I’ll have to ponder whether the whole final episode should make the list, although it was pretty good) belongs to Hill Street Blues. Lawrence Tierney does the honors. Two words and a massive amount between the lines.

Has there ever been a series running more than a year or two, at the traditional one a week for most of the year pace, that didn’t have some filler? The relentless pace just seemed to require pulling the occasional episode (if not entire plot arcs) out of the halfbakery.

Hot take: Breaking Bad had an all-time top-ten finale... at the end of Season Four. (Read somewhere that they were unsure of renewal—it was a late bloomer as appointment-level television—and decided to leave it in a satisfying place in case that was that.) The last season was good and sporadically great but had a

No, it’s a seven or eight year old used Volkswagen that has had fast and furious things done to it.  Not really something I’d be looking at regardless of the price; certainly not at this ask.  

The HT4100 was not Cadillac’s finest hour in many ways, and on the other side of the fun equation, I’d imagine that by the time the upfitter reinforced things to make up for removal of the top, the car was over 4000 pounds. The combination was regarded as a bit of a slug even for the malaise era.

Shouting racist slurs in Oakland, historical home of the Black Panthers and today a notably diverse city where Persons of Pallor are about a quarter of the population, is just the cherry on top.

The link says “Posting deleted,”  but it looks as though he lowered the ask to $6800 two days ago:

If you’re lucky it might have been a plainclothesman’s car or a perquisite of rank for command staff, rather than a resprayed patrol unit, the difference being whether it has aged in dog miles. But then it had fast and furious things done to it by someone who got the odometer up to 186. Sounds like a high ask for a

Yea for the art (if you’ve got the personality for it) and, well, the price, which is modest for this market. The caution is that even for a Toyota of their tenacity-of-the-cockroach era, and I’ve owned a few, that’s a fair bit of mileage. Especially considering the hilly terrain and clogged freeways that the Bay Area