Yeah, one of the requirements for the Next Generation Delivery Vehicle has been giving letter carriers something approaching the safety features that a consumer would expect from a light truck today (the technical basis for the LLV is a 1980s S-10).
Yeah, one of the requirements for the Next Generation Delivery Vehicle has been giving letter carriers something approaching the safety features that a consumer would expect from a light truck today (the technical basis for the LLV is a 1980s S-10).
People who will block the aisle indefinitely, causing a backup of many cars (and hazards to pedestrians as frustrated drivers swirl around to get past), waiting for someone to leave The Best Parking Spot.
Thirteen-five with that many miles? Calling Hanover Fiste.
Airport with a library > pretty much any place you’re going to get stranded in the US...
You could make this yourself by buying a new car and some Malaise-era Cadillac, then swapping the seats over.
No almond kringle? Did some shopper grab it before you could take the picture, or did the photographer have an empty wrapper half stuffed into his pocket, a lot of crumbs on his shirt, and a guilty look on his face?
A friend with an ‘84 just left the selector on the tank that didn’t leak. At twelve and a half gallons apiece, it sufficed (the other one could actually be filled halfway or so for road trips or emergency reserve).
On one shoulder, a little voice tells me to press ND because this is a not-even-trying example of a real or de facto dealer working the by-owner side of Craigslist. (
A steady hand and the feel of the Botts dots, grooves, or whatever that road has to offer against the side of your tires can help with lane keeping in a visibility emergency. If you decide the thing to do is pull over, you can also use this technique to explore the inboard and then the outboard edges of the shoulder…
Yeah... definitely sounds more like driver error than “just an unfortunate turn of events,” as the article put it.
Yeah... NP for Niche Person. Poor value proposition for the general public, and not really my thing, but if you want one of these, this just might be the one you want — high miles, but from the looks of it, all of them put on by Adrian Monk.
Yeah... maybe it could be fun if you were sufficiently artful about draping the body over a custom tube-frame chassis with running gear and greasy bits worthy of some real power.
Ah, the irony... In the 2009-10 timeframe, if memory serves, Angie’s List expanded into reviews of automotive services, including antique/classic cars. (I had a long phone conversation with one of their people who called me as they were setting this up.) They seem to have retreated into their home territory of, well,…
To quote one of my favorite cops “I have never had to unbuckle a corpse in 20+ years as a cop”.
Something about the ad rhetoric made me check... yep, if you don’t like this one, the same seller has a number of other cars to choose from.
I am not sure what year the one from MiB was
“Could it be you in that LTD II? You’ll never know ‘til you...”* smacked ND at anywhere near that ask. Salute to its preservation status and acknowledgment that if you want one, this might be the one you want. For me, it’s deep into “if I inherited it, I’d drive it, but am not paying much money or going far out of my…
Of course, aside from the possibility that yours was a right-hand-tail outlier— an antilemon; a scapegrace of tolerance stacking in the good ways — the fact that you raised it from a pup and took care of it might well be quite different from this car’s life experiences...
Doing all that boy-racer stuff to the diesel version is definitely thinking outside the box, but I would have been reluctant to pay that much before he started subtracting value with the “upgrades.”
Yeah, I seem to recall paying for it in Alameda. I moved out of state years ago, but where I am now, I pay for it (although it’s handled via the water bill). The service costs money to provide, so no matter whether the government per se or a private company does the deed, and whether you own or rent, you’re directly…