
Renault Anchor or Appliance (I forget which) back when a couple of the major US rental-car companies were fond of them. I’ve never driven a car that gave me such a feeling that I could rip it apart with my bare hands, and probably should, if only as a favor to others.

It’s only a few-second cameo, but also:  Best sidewalk buskers in music history. (Jerry Sanborn, Larry Carlton, Paul Shaffer, and some guy named Miles Davis.)

As a palate cleanser in between courses of schlock horror (and the occasional big-name, big-budget scare classic), I suggest The Bear (1988), a Jean-Jacques Annaud charmer that also features a bear on drugs, but nicer drugs.

They have doubtless been calculating the narrow issues of whether to make good on the problem or try to ignore it.

It never sold well here (heavy, expensive vs. competition, and tightly packaged, which didn’t make it easy to work on) but the Americans who discovered it, and could afford it, tended to become pretty fanatical about it. Trying to remember which name-brand race driver, possibly quoted in Car and Driver, thought it

One of the troubles with that generation of Touareg V10 TDI, apparently, is that many of the things that can go wrong are fantastically harder to work on than you might expect because of packaging issues. Raphael Orlove wrote about such matters a few years ago. The article quotes a couple of owners, and among the

I had a co-worker who owned one when they were new, and some years later, drove past one on my commute that was occasionally disassembled and reassembled to various degrees but never arose from its bed of cinder blocks. Those are literally the only two I’ve seen in the wild. But, yes, they were sold here, albeit in

“Adorable” is probably about 95% of it. They’re not my bag—sort of an even slower and less practical Metropolitan—but I understand why some people would want one.

Between that and the (lack of) cleanliness, we should take a poll on what flavor of vape juice it probably smells like. Not to mention the hoonage:maintenance ratio.

The bed makes it seem that at least one previous owner was not afraid to work this truck. Like you, though, I’m waiting for the “price drop” that has already occurred to turn into more of a “price plummet.”

it will take a lot of work to make this any kind of fun.

 Not a bad car for what it is, but the value proposition at $8500 seems well off the viable combinations of mileage, likely as-found condition (older respray on a supposedly garage kept and meemaw-and-pawpaw-owned sedan makes me imagine a wreck in its past), and fundamental amount of malaiseonaise in a full-sized car

Yeah... in all seriousness, the fact that he can’t or won’t get the front turn signals sorted makes me wonder if it’s even more of a frightpig than he discloses—or perhaps more than he knows.

I don’t know what the difference is between a $90k Pantera and a $140k and a $190k Pantera.

...and of course 220V “Level Two” charging is what you use for an electric car.

So you say since 2005 but then say his license was revoked in 2015. Which one is it?

Here are the seller’s other offerings at the moment; I am formulating a theory involving picking up cars from estate sales. (

Though the text of the ad reads “McLaren,” the buildsheet picture actually shows “MacLearn Motors.” MacLearn is an actual surname from the west coast of Scotland and the islands. Whether it is also the name of the seller/builder, I have no idea. Or maybe it’s the side hustle of somebody who does Apple training. I

100% would complete and drive if it were abandoned with some property I’d bought. Maybe even if a do-it-yourselfer in over his head wanted three figures for it in a from-flailing-hands-the-torch-is-passed situation. 0% would pay $5000 for it.

Physically? There are oceangoing cargo ships that can ply the Great Lakes. My (mis)understanding is that the Welland Canal is the limiting factor at 740 feet of length overall and 8.08 m of draft. Better hurry, though; the canal typically closes in December through late March.