I hear and mostly agree with what you're saying about people with bad intentions not really caring about anonymity when it boils down to it, but honestly it makes it a hell of a lot easier for them to be held accountable when action needs to be taken. I would love to see these online gaming services institute a much…
Hopefully there's a substantial number of film professors that get around to reading this, if they haven't already figured this formula out in their sophomore years of college, that will make sure to judge harshly those students that also read this with the lazy unoriginal idea of using Oscar-shoe-in categories in…
Are we sure that ventilated central part of the controller is a speaker, and not a microphone???
Ah, tradition. The pitfall of societies.
The fact that Nintendo went out of their way to name a lot of the games they published after the systems on which they were played is nothing of a curse. Sure, a lot of N64 games were crap, as were Wii games if you're a hardcore/classic-core gamer (alas, GameCube had *soooo* much potential). But the 16-bit 'Super'…
+ 1 Billion *pinky*
Well...there's still always GameTrailers and Cinemassacre...
I'm clearly on the wrong part of the internet right now...I'll see myself out, thanks.
PSY is NOT a rapper. He's a pop singer. Get it straight. Thank you!
If you're watching with android, try watching through firefox instead of chrome.
The car at :35 whose side mirror falls off inexplicably...
I read the article, but I'm looking for a comprehensive view.
http://youtu.be/ When will you guys review the DROID RAZR M? It's not in the comparison lists, and there's not one article on the site about it.
I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that. Explain?
^^^ eggggg-zacktly
Mario's last name has always been Mario. I've heard Luigi called 'Luigi Mario' countless times, and hence 'Mario BROS.'
^^^ This is a good point. Almost tl;dr...but worth a skim at the very least.