Eyeball In My AcidMartini

No problem - anytime you see an odd comment that’s ostensibly from Dr. Emilio Lizardo, hover over it to see the real username (the real one will be dremiliolizardo - watch out for extra letters and crap like that). Whoever this is, they’re bafflingly determined, as I think they’ve had at LEAST a dozen accounts to keep

It’s a weird troll who impersonates the real Dr. Lizardo - they’ve been at it for years

At some point, him and Chet Hanks need to form a terrible music act, and I will laugh myself sick. Maybe they could be The Tapioca Twinz? Bland Bros?

Exactly - there’s nothing ugly or wrong with going bald in and of itself, but we can happily make fun of him obviously thinking it’s a bad thing and lying about it in such a ridiculous way.

Manson being a POS has been an open secret for a long time, and this accuser suddenly reversing course like this frankly reeks of him and his team strong-arming her. Like, it’s not even subtle.

True - it’s definitely a combination of factors.

I blame late stage capitalism for a lot of things, tbh.

Exactly - she’s not burning down the rain forest or anything, but there’s no virtue to what she’s doing, either.

Isn’t she a delight? So fun while being genuinely educational!

Yep. As a confirmed addict of Prior Attire videos, I have to say that Izabela’s explanations and demonstrations with corsets have really been an education, and corsets were actually pretty great support garments when properly fitted!

She can do it if she wants, but friends of mine who used to get almost ALL of their clothes through thrifting have been finding less and less in the way of actual usable clothing. She’s actually supporting crap like Shein because people who used to thrift and can no longer find anything, and the folks I’m talking

Her surgery is crap, she looks terrible, she helps enforce the beauty and age standards she supposedly “calls out”, and she’s a thieving asshole whose stans will RUIN the artists she steals from if they say anything publicly. I enjoy some of her music, but Madonna herself kinda sucks

Yeah, that’s a really weird choice - maybe she likes having her boob pop out sideways? Maybe it’s a special class with escaping boobs?


The past tense of “lead” is “led” - I’m not sure why actual professional writers have been getting this wrong so much, but it’s really annoying.

He’s not in any normal sense, but apparently he has some sort of charisma - DeSantis doesn’t even have that.

Apparently Curry is now a QAnon/antivax/rightwing/transphobe pile of trash, which is likely helping inform her stupid-ass takes.

Eh, DeSantis’ own team has been overheard worrying about his astounding unlikability - he sounds like the perfect GOP candidate on paper, but then he shows up and starts talking, and a surprising amount of even modern Republicans instantly hate him. The GOP primaries sound like they’re going to be a shitshow.

No sort of defamation or slander is needed to make Samantha Markle and her father look bad - they do a fantastic job of portraying themselves as massive assholes all on their own.

Ageism and misogyny are absolutely a problem, Madge, but that’s not why we’re distressed by your face. If a 25 year old man had comparable work done, I would be horrified by that, as well. Also, long-range lenses? No, lady, you CAN’T SPEAK CLEARLY ANYMORE BECAUSE OF THIS. That’s not sneaky visual distortion.