Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Yeah, I think you just nailed what bugs me the most about her nowadays. She’s said some honestly on-point things about ageism and how society refuses to accept older women...and then she goes out and gets a semi-Kardashian face carved. She has enough stature that she could walk the talk and embrace some degree of

Madonna has honestly achieved some great things, I do enjoy some of her music, and (very) occasionally she makes a good point. That said, she’s always been an appropriative asshole, and she has been borderline pathetic in her desperate need for attention pretty much the whole time, and it’s only gotten sadder as time

Yeah, that’s an incredibly fucked-up thing for him to say.

Yeah, we can get on some weird bullshit, but most white people right now are, if they have any reaction to this at all, mildly cheering on Gisele. Definitely nobody has seemed sad about it except Tom Brady.

Matthew Perry seems like a dick.

Right? I was kinda wondering that, myself. It’s certainly possible, but it seems weird.

Yeah, while there may not be anything actually wrong here, it’s still a little weird and creepy. When I was 30ish, I briefly dated a 20 year old - it was fine, and we parted amicably, but if I had met him as a kid it would never have happened.

Yeah, the backlash was because the show was actually bad. It absolutely talked down to its audience, and was very apparently nothing but a marketing engine from the get go.

“I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers,”

Body makeup is pretty common, and as long as it’s fairly small it’s no problem in fashion modeling. The only time they’re usually an issue is for some art photography, where due to the desired lighting effect, you really can’t use any body makeup.

But...but...HIS BONER IS SAD!!!

I mean, even if one had no antipathy toward the monarchy, she was 96! She had a long life, and while I’m sure her family will miss her, it’s absolutely not a tragedy.

Quizno’s is still doing fine in Colorado, which makes sense as it started in Denver (the original location is still open!). The sandwiches are great, I just hate the toasting.

Lots of pretty gross shit here, too - it’s amazing how many people feel the need to talk about how much they hate her on ANY article she’s in.

I have enjoyed Minaj’s work, but she is SUCH a garbage human.

Yeah, no. Millions and millions of Black people deal with racism and bigotry day in and day out, and with fewer resources than she has, without sucking as humans. While racism absolutely impacts mental health, and Banks certainly appears to have real mental health issues, she is ALSO just an asshole.

Yeah, they’re being really bizarre about it. Like, sure Sudeikis can make requests, but the process server has no obligation to honor those. They will probably try, but ultimately they have a job to do. I mean, I can ask that a mammogram not be uncomfortable, but despite the tech’s best efforts it might well be.

Yep. My family was poor, and I still got to go to a Montessori preschool. They so often have ways to make it work.

I’m a bit more lenient toward Stenberg as she’s pretty young, and is Black and queer. Additionally, it seems like the commentary on her chest gets to her a bit. I don’t doubt that she’ll be a lot smoother about dealing with this kind of crap in a few more years.

Stenberg just sent a single damn DM that could be a joke or not, which Wilson could have ignored or asked for clarification on - Wilson seems to be a thin-skinned asshole who was spoiling for a fight, as well as desperately wanting ALL THE ATTENTION.