I think it’s very appropriate casting, because both Pratt and Mario seemed cool at first, then it became apparent they were overrated.
I think it’s very appropriate casting, because both Pratt and Mario seemed cool at first, then it became apparent they were overrated.
I realize this is a silly thing to be bugged by, but is he wearing a borrowed suit? It’s weirdly big on him, right? It’s not just me?
My skin is cranky and weird, and only well-made soaps seem to do the trick for me. I use Sappo Hill’s stuff, and it’s wonderful.
As someone who spent their teens and early adulthood in Aurora, I can assert that this surprises exactly nobody from there. At one point it was basically a dumping ground for cops who were too vicious for other departments.
Given how long this mess has been going on, I’m really starting the think they don’t.
I can only see greys “above the fold” - basically, any grey past about the fourth reply in any thread are still hidden.
She also happily worked with Tekashi 69, well after he was known to be a predator.
Like, this is the truly baffling part - even if her cousin’s friend made that claim, how is it not immediately obvious that he cheated, got an STI, and made up a dumbass story to try to cover up what he did?
THIS RIGHT HERE. This all seems like fishing expeditions to find evidence that an initial knee-jerk reaction was correct. Relationships are complicated, and as someone whose marriage was over LONG before the divorce, I know my current relationship’s timeline would look “sus” to an outsider. Also, my ex was…
Bianca is probably the most gifted insult comic since Don Rickles. no joke.
I don’t know why it delights me that you did this, but it does.
I had the same response.
He’s incredibly overrated, and that fucking acoustic cover of “Layla” is a crime against music. It’s like what would happen if a mad scientist decided to create music that would replace drugs for general anaesthesia.
Yeah, as someone who has worn mega-platforms at clubs and such, my first thought was “not unless you enjoy twisting your ankle and eating shit on the way to work”.
It’s okay to be wrong sometimes.
I’d say we should eat the rich, but I’m reasonably certain he would taste like Axe body spray.
That doesn’t make it cool to shit on other actors, and the rest of the interview honestly doesn’t help. She’s very talented, but she seems like a bit of a jerk.
Debra Winger comes across as weirdly pissy and bitter in this, honestly.
Tekashi 69. That raises her to 3, which is 3 more sex offenders than I’ve ever defended in any way.
Speak for yourself - as a Gen-X native, almost literally everyone I grew up with went there as a kid, and most still do occasionally today. Actually being foolish enough to eat the food, though, is for transplant rubes.