Yeah, I honestly dislike her in general, and that was just...incredibly annoying.
Yeah, I honestly dislike her in general, and that was just...incredibly annoying.
This really bugs me - one, the whole “makeup is dumb because men don’t do it” is problematic in a million ways. Two - her daughter is seven, and probably isn’t doing makeup. You know what she may well be doing? Forming her self-image, playing with expressions in order to communicate more effectively, discovering who…
I almost think it should stay up. Why? Because, as a white person, I can tell you that this induces skin-crawling embarrassment for ye average white person. Nobody can try to drape it in lost-cause romanticism or give it any historic value beyond showing racism. The false benevolence, the hideous condescension, the…
Fuck this guy. It’s time for the pitchforks.
100%? No. Does it afford me some? Absolutely. I’ve watched it happen.
Yep. If our skin color makes it easier for us to do things like this, then we should get out there and do it. Someday, please all the little gods, our whiteness won’t be a protective coloration - but since it is right now, we should use it to do some good.
White Nonsense Roundup is very handy on social media, as well.
There’s absolutely zilch to imply Holmes was the Ripper - it’s just a cash grab by one of Holmes’ descendants. If you’re interested in the case, is, hands-down, the best repository of information available to the public.
I mean, I’m a Minor Old, and I’m out and about a lot, but I have never heard this before. It’s...fine? I have zero feelings about it aside from slight boredom.
I think I’m the only person I know who isn’t super-crazy about Buckley’s version. It’s good, but I’m far and away a fan of the Cohen Live version over every other.
Yeah, from what little I saw she often had some really great people on her show. She herself is just a poisonous, selfish jerk who doesn’t much care whether or not she’s being ignorant.
Third, who decided it was a good idea to give Chelsea Handler this platform at Politicon?
I’m just glad the lead actress is unambiguously awesome.
This video is somehow both adorable and baffling. Also it made me vaguely attracted to Ed Sheeran, which I did not think was possible.
If you’re a female rapper trying to make it in the music business and you’re not prone to having sex with a man who breathes like he’s inhaling a box of Popeyes biscuits during sex, you may want to stay away from Rick Ross.
For what it’s worth, after an image search, I found quite a few pics of the Young RBG where she actually pretty strongly resembles Felicity Jones. I was surprised, but pleasantly so.
Yeah, Lena Dunham is pretty much the living Platonic Ideal of clueless White Feminism - her bullshit is extra-insidious because it gets packaged as some sort of progressive/liberal truth-telling. She’s awful.
“Hotesperanto” is perfect.
Oh man - that would have had me grinding my teeth for a minute.