Eyeball In My AcidMartini

Can I join you on Team Nobody? Or maybe Team Let Huma Do Her Thing For Her Own Reasons Because She Seems Pretty Smart And The Other Two Seem Kinda Awful?

You sound like a wise parent and a considerate person. :)

Exactly!! Even in shady neighborhoods, the damn sidewalks have ramps! All those stupid strollers do is make you look like an inconsiderate asshat on the bus or train (speaking of - nothing like a parent not bothering to set the brake on their damn mega-stroller on the train...I got hit on the shins more times than I

Yeah, when I lived in Chicago, the Tank Strollers were a fucking nightmare. Ours were definitely not from tourists, though. I would be on the 62 all the time, and I swear to god, there would literally be like 4 GIANT strollers taking up the entire forward third of the bus more often than not.

As a person with an Anthropology degree, I want to hug you for this.

Oh, yeah, a fried egg can be great! I'm not a huge sweets fan as it is, and part of what I love about a burger is the harmonious savory flavors and its relative simplicity. Is there a time and a place for combining sweet and savory? Sure - but not, by all the little kitchen gods, on a burger.

Right? I just want a good patty with stuff like cheese, bacon, or avocado on it. I also hate when the bun takes over too much flavor, even with stuff like pretzel buns.

The questions regarding assassinated presidents/presidents who died in office and impeached presidents. :)

That was my thought, too...I was basically thinking: "well, I'm glad it's tasty, but why be a smug bastard about a burger on a donut?"

Go for it! Just keep your eyes fairly minimal. My favorite thing to do when I'm trying a new lipstick color is to hit Sephora and ask to try some colors that seem likely. Then, when you've settled on one, play around with it at home first so you get used to it! That was, more or less, how I found out I could wear

Retin-A can really help out with the basic lines and such. Also, try switching to a cleansing oil regimen, as that helps keep moisture in your skin (and actually is better at unclogging pores, in my experience). Shu Uemura makes some great cleansing oils, and while they're a bit pricy at the outset, they last a LONG this reminds me of one time where I was at a poetry slam, and someone who was not in the slam per se, and who I honestly have a great deal of respect for (although it should be noted that none of that respect is for their poetry), read a poem that featured the word "necrocock" in pure seriousness and with no

Yeah, I think that's very true. I've read some decent slash/alt porn/fanfic before, but I think even outside of a toy site, a lot of it is waaay too personal to be enjoyable for anyone but the writer (or possibly someone that happens to be very similar in personality). As soon as you juxtapose that with an actual sex

Yeah, I can only alter my sleeping habits for a few days at a time. I always felt really guilty about it until fairly recently, but having familial evidence of a different hard-wired sleep phase made me a lot more relaxed about it. Weirdly, even the "day people" in my family have a somewhat "off" sleep cycle, as

The fic is really the only part that truly weirds me out, and it's mostly how it's written. Some of the toys are very much not my thing, but everyone's crank turns at a different speed, you know (although I reserve the right to giggle at any and all sex toys, ones that I like included)? But there's something about the

Oh, I runs in my family, honestly. All of my siblings are the more or less night people as well in the same definitely-hard-wired way. Actually, now that I think of it, really only my parents are day people...well, and one grandparent. Kinda strange how that turned out. :D

Yeah, the writing itself is far more upsetting than the content. I'm pretty sure that those folks could write a hetero (I'm het, so just using this for an example) scene featuring, say, Alan Rickman, and they would manage to remove any and all sexiness from it and just make it upsetting for me.

I love that she's dressed as a sexy secretary.

I'm really glad I had swallowed my tea before I read that, otherwise I would need a new keyboard.

It's kinda like the old book in any H.P. Lovecraft story - you read too far, and your mind will go in directions it was not prepared for.