Eyeball In My AcidMartini

True, but I like to think he's happy to serve as a Creepy Mascot in this case.

Also, this person seems 'to' have somehow 'missed' out on the many, many 'sites' on the interwebs where men 'do' exactly 'what' they described women doing 'with' TubeCrush

No lie, I actually had a roommate who would post signs around the house in Wingdings.

It's okay...there's a lot of love for LaComtesse 'round these parts.

Over the years I've developed a good balance between kind and freaking-out-when-needed. I do try to use "kind" as much as possible, but sometimes I let the upset show...if I get to that point, though, I try to keep it to the people that actually have some power to alter things, and not the poor phone jockey with no

Nope. Sorry. This woman is a jerk, and I have no sympathy for her.

I think that you should run for mayor, and your entire platform should just be a banner that says "KEEPER OF THE COCKS".

That's LORD Humungus, the Warrior of the Wasteland, the Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla, to you! :D

Hasn't there also been a lot of info showing that in most cases where a male-female couple is buying a car together, the woman does all the research beforehand and decides on what the budget should be? I think that in that scenario, the guy does the talking at the dealership, but still. I feel like this commercial is

I was soooo glad when I found out she would have a home - I started crying when I first saw her sad little face from the very first photos (the fact that I was PMSing can't have helped). I wish she could live in the wild, but her albinism makes that not possible. :/

It's also mind-blowing to me that he picked the one platform guaranteed to make a lot of men not want to vote for him. Dudes of varying sexual persuasions, more often than not, are super-keen on BJ's. In my head, this whole campaign is humorously reduced to movie-style frat guys going "there is NO WAY I'm voting for

Oh, yessss....and don't forget the horror you experience the first time you forget about one of those big jar-style fly traps for a couple days. I would go into more detail, but I don't want to ruin anyone's lunch break.

Yeah, Tygra was waaaay smoother than Lion-O.

I agree. I think this should be A Thing.

I was kinda wondering about that...I thought your initial comment was well-informed and balanced. :/

Hahahaha! No worries!

My kitty snores, too! It's so cute I can hardly keep quiet sometimes, but I try really hard because I don't want to wake him up.

Oh, Christ, I hated ditch work. The place I lived also grew its own alfalfa for the cows, and we had an old-fashioned ditch system with those dams made out of 2x4's and tarp. When you had to move the dams, you got completely covered in horrifying slime and creatures, but you couldn't put the dam down or anything - the