Hahahahahaaa! I just had a mental image of him in his home, hearing a football match on his neighbor's TV, and perking up his ears like angels were calling him.
Hahahahahaaa! I just had a mental image of him in his home, hearing a football match on his neighbor's TV, and perking up his ears like angels were calling him.
All good wishes upon you for starting a Hiddleston Giggle gif thread!
Yeah...I liked her from what relatively little I knew. Maybe she'll return in a few years when things are less fraught? I hope?
Yeah, that must have been rough for her. I feel she deserves a vacation. :(
Yeah, I gotta take a nap and check when I get up...night all!
Holy shit!
Huge internet high five to you! My husband and I were watching the livestream clapping along and shouting "don't stop! Don't stop! You got it!" at my computer. :D
Christ on a cracker, tonight was draining. I vote we all go have a drink.
Please gods...this was insane. I feel, though, that tonight somehow turned into the line in the sand for women, and that's a good thing. The bastards keep chipping away, and we were too complacent, but I feel like tonight we woke up. Now we just have to keep awake, because we thought we won this stupid battle 40 years…
Yeah, when the Republican Senators started pulling bullshit shenanigans, the folks in the gallery and outside were definitely Not Having It.
I'm hearing it from various places on Twitter, too.
Yeah, and apparently the Senate Journal Clerk has it as 12:02. I'm not sure why they think changing the website will work, but the Texas Senate Republicans seem to have problems with basic stuff like clocks and science, so I imagine the internets are very confusing for them.
@mikestatesman is still putting out info...it sounds like the vote on SB5 was blatantly illegal. This whole night has been a rollercoaster.
Congratulations to your niece - she sounds like a really great young woman!
Holy cats...I...just. What? I....
I love her stuff when I was 14...then I tried to re-read it as an adult. It does not hold up well, and my 14-year-old self had a sad somewhere in the back of my head.
I am staying out of the main debate, as other people are a lot better at articulating what they want to say than I am, but I had to pop in to high-five you on Hoverer Hate!
"Coloradan" if you're central and south front-range...up north and on the western slope you tend to hear "Coloradoan" more. I'm a second-gen native who knows WAY too much about my beloved home state. :D
Me too! I am so damn proud to be a Coloradan (native, even!)...we've had our screwups and dodgy history, but we damn well try to confront it and fix it when we see what's happening. It might take time, and we sometimes work in baby steps, but we never stop.