Eyeball In My AcidMartini

I agree %100. My husband gets furious at all the sexist bullshit that essentially says that men are just beasts of the field who can't control their impulses or understand empathy and emotion. Sexism and rape culture aren't just dangerous and horrible for women, they're horrible for men, too. Personally, I'm pretty

Well, women can actually compete in the "regular" rankings as well. It's kinda confusing to me, but either way I'm glad that Phiona Mutesi can rise as high as her considerable talent and determination will take her.

It's not a fetish when you just think someone is hot.


I get that this was supposed to be humor and all, but this was some seriously weird rambling here. I feel like I just got told a shaggy-dog story by a preschooler.

I kind of want this to be my avatar for everything ever, even for things I have not been a part of for eight years.


This wins the Internet today.

Jam out with your clam out!!

I...I kinda actually like the last two. A lot.

I freely misuse this term in my head for weird looking/beautiful guys - I think the first guy that hit that for me was Willem Dafoe. It does seem to kinda bump up the sexy-meter in some way, too.

I'm really glad it's getting better, honestly. Just the idea of any little girl getting the message that her skin color was inherently less beautiful was awful for me. I know there's still a lot of work for society to do, but I feel like every step forward is something to happy about. :)

I know from the outside that there's a ton of horrible racial baggage around skin color that I escaped as a white girl, so this is something I can't speak to on a deep level, but it always breaks my heart when girls with absolutely beautiful complexions feel like their skin is the "wrong" color. I modeled and did

About once a month I go plunging down the dancehall rabbit hole on YouTube. It's utterly amazing.

A sadly now-defunct custom shop in Denver. If you ever want to try tightlacing, I would recommend going to a brick-and-mortar store the first time (if you can find one). It's really helpful to have someone actually show you how to put on and take off a corset, as doing it wrong can either hurt you or wreck your very

I've done some minor tightlacing, and I can vouch for the fact that you have to take your corset off slowly when you're at full compression, because your organs slide back into place as it's removed. It actually feels neat, in a creepy/I-might-faint kind of way.

I was actually always weirdly proud of my name, honestly. The hyphenation renders it unique, and it made me feel like I was sort of the standard-bearer for two houses (I was prone to dramatic internal dialogue as a kid). To this day, I really love my name, and the fact that I'm fairly certain my particular combination

I think the horrible pants are mostly a Justin Bieber thing, and since he's surrounded by people he either pays or who almost-literally worship him, he hasn't gotten any good, solid feedback that he looks like a grade-A jackwagon in them.

Oh god...thank you for saying that. I know it seems really minor, but I swear almost every single human being I have ever tried to explain this to acts like I'm a lunatic. It's actually really nice to know there are other non-shower-sharers out there.