
The resurgence of El Capitan is no joke woman!

I second what Sharting said about Kesey. William Golding, on the other hand...

S.E. Hinton and Peter Benchley come to mind.

Well of course they are. How else would John Lackey be able to get his whole head up there?

I'll assume the byline means Buck has finally abandoned his internet pseudonym of Balls Deep.

To the contrary, this is a pretty ordinary goal from a Baptist defender with the ball bouncing off the back of a kid's head.

Wow. Sam Bradford is what Giants fans though we were getting in Eli Manning.

I wonder how many parents of teenage girls were blindly cheering him this evening. Looked like more than a few.

Please tell me Jerry Reese at least offered Bavaro a 1 year deal after the halftime ceremony.

There must be a way to allow these videos to play on a continuous loop. I find myself having to hit play 5 or 6 times to finish the article.

Yay directional punting fail!!!

This game is making me nostalgic for the greased watermelon contests at summer camp in the days of yore.

How are the Giants not down by 2 TDs right now? Ugh...ugly first quarter.

They're not booing. They're saying "You fucking suck donkey balls Eli! Die in a violent ball of fire you overrated, untalented slack-jawed hillbilly!"

"Have Some Sex with the No-Huddle Offense"

A: "The black box may be too wet to examine."

Also going all the way with Tennessee high: Max Jacobson.

I'm in the same boat. I have about 2.5 hours in a car each day and podcasts help make the world go round. I did Carolla for a while, but he started grating on me. Don't get me wrong, he's funny, but he often retells the same stories over and over and ignores or interrupts his guests to tell more stories about

The best pieces of advice and forewarning I can give are these: when you have breaks in the action for lunch you will likely congregate with the people you know. I made it clear to my friends immediately on day one we would not talk about any aspect of the exam. The last thing we needed was to second guess answers.

This is the worst thing to happen to a Drew since Nancy got roofied by the Hardy Boys in the controversial first draft of Assault on the Tower.