
No, I don’t think so. It is/was nice to have service recognized and respected when I returned home. Especially as I’m mindful of how poorly our Vietnam-era forebears were treated.

No, don’t be bummed. What he did was the most diplomatic and tasteful compromise I can think of.

Sure is interesting how this gentleman, and most of the other veterans I know (myself included) have become this endangered species whose feelings and honor must be protected by the brave patriots in the bleachers and on twitter!

The serious answer is, “some time after 9/11 and during the last 15 years spent mired in two wars, steadily watching friends and family deploy, fight, reunite, die, overcome grievous wounds, struggle with PTSD, and hope beyond hope that all of it wasn’t just pissing in the wind.”

Came here for this; glad you saved me the trouble.

But whose fuel is still subject to the laws of physics, siphons, and the 5-gallon jerry can.

This is an accurate description. Internet gaming, particularly in competitive combat games, is a breeding ground for the absolute most insulting and offensive language people can think of. It’s practically a game within a game, particularly to the younger demographics that get to flex nuts with no repercussions.

Purple hair pretty much looks trashy and immature on everyone, regardless of race or gender. Problem solved!

This is what would’ve done The Dark Tower series justice. Not 95 minutes on the big screen.

What, you didn’t organize your week around your Sex in the City viewing party? heh

On a curious whim, I googled the sign above, wondering why appreciating a British network was a bad thing. Suffice to say, do not do that unless your SafeSearch is on. lol

fall into the trap of assigning the violence that white supremacists cause to the people trying to stand against it

The good zombie was saved/rescued by the Children of the Forest before the zombie transformation process could finish.

Fair enough; I confess to not being any closer to it than just living nearby and being happy not to be seeing awful news stories coming out of Boston like we’re seeing from so many other cities. Let’s see what they’re made of this weekend, I guess.

Lucky enough not to have family members that say shitty things about different races, I guess. They generally reserve that treatment for fellow family members.

Neither Walsh nor Evans seem like the types you’d put in charge of running the city and its police, but decent results (or at least the absence of catastrophe) are decent results. I’ve been relieved/proud to be from a city not associated with flagrant unlawful police brutality and murders, but maybe you know more

Everyone’s worried about the guy in the foreground (and rightly so!). But what’s going on with the person left of center. It looks like someone is prone/unconscious already?

Citizenry demographics aside, I think we’re lucky to have Walsh, Commissioner Evans, Baker, and their attendant administrations lately. Through all these recent years, our Police have avoided much of the awfulness plaguing the rest of the nation, and the city/state has demonstrated an ability to safely and

Well said.

Starred for the Wire reference.