
They may not want the funding cut, but they are snarkily comparing the two. The logical issue I’m pointing to is that ED could reasonably be caused by or exacerbated by the high-stress, sometimes traumatic profession. It, like a broken foot, cold/flu, or bad knee, occurs, develops, or can otherwise be plausibly

One of the few reasoned and well-targeted comments here. By way of support,

I’d like to play devil’s advocate and pose a question.

Let’s not downplay the absolutely staggering losses suffered by the Russians. Those victories came at grave cost. It was by no means a cakewalk for them.

Ahh. Same happened after book 4 in the The Dark Tower series. New narrator threw me for a loop. Thanks for the response.

How are the audiobooks, by the way? After about 50 or so good (but unremarkable) audiobooks while commuting, I was recently blown away by The Dark Tower series and its narration by the late Frank Muller. I’ve read all of the ASOIAF books, but the dark tower books made me wonder how well the GRRM books translated to

This is an acceptable response. With this kind of customer service, I’m sure to be back tomorrow.

I think mass-producing ballista that can aim upwards is a fairly solid countermeasure? If you can semi-saturate the sky with 6 ft. metal bolts, it’ll be good enough to wreck one dragon, I’m sure. I think Qyburn said he had all the smiths in the city working on them.

This perfectly sums up my thoughts on it. Am still worried that they’ll do it, however.

Where is “here” and how are property prices?

It’s all completely embarrassing and perverse, but the unnecessarily aggressive pulling of her hand towards him fills me with intense rage.

I’m probably dating myself, but weren’t rogues required to have a Chaotic alignment?

I worry less about proximity to the sites than I do that the OIC is an O-2. heh.

I’d just like to point out that you needn’t leave pavement in order to take advantage of increased ground clearance, and it’s puzzling that a car blog would insinuate as much.

Not to the pitcher, I’d imagine. Heh.

Not a huge Red Sox fan. From the area but hate the ownership. That said, it sucks to see Sale come in and say/do all the right things — nearly a historic start to a season— and walk away with 1-2 in five starts.

This is awl purfectlee lawgical, you fahkin gibronis. Heez donatin’ ta tha elemantary schools, tha high schools, and the cawwleges so they all make moah smaht kids to werrrk on those best buddy dizeezes. Tommy’s changin tha whole werld and yallah just jealous! Now whoozup forah dunkin run?

When asked for comment, Agent Smith of the Secret Service, standing a resigned 10 feet behind the Vice President, simply responded, “You see that? That... is the sight... of inevitability.”

Joined in 1998, served through 2006. Paid $100/month for first 12 months.

Can’t say enough about my Serengeti’s. The brown seeemed like an unusual choice pre-purchase, but once I put them on I was an immediate convert. Particularly for driving.