
I agree — way too many people. That's why you just accept that the seats are meant to recline, it's not someone's exaggerated sense of entitlement, it's not specific to this generation, the airline designed and advertised the seats that way, and it's normal for people to recline them. It's not some medeival torture

It would also be funny to be a witness to the awkward first class seat-conflict conversation.

Go for it. There's no law against taking tips from a "Dark Side" column, being a douche, sabotaging an aircraft seat, and then accusing others of not having empathy while describing how you don't care about how others feel. LOL

Sure, and you'll immediately hit the guy above's knees. Your seat will be blocked from reclining by his BODY, and it'll be you who's looking for a solution. I'm sure it's not going to be restful when he's kneeing you in the back constantly.

It's just federal law. I'm sure the seat assignment is more important...

Says a lot like... they're working their ass off, traveling away from their family so much that they've seen all the stupid airline movies, and just want to get some sleep so they can get their job done and go home?

Please. Because trains don't have seats that recline into the legroom of the person behind you? It's the same issue, man, and quadrupling the duration of your trip is ridiculous. If you get seated in front of someone of that stature, it's bad luck. It's nobody's fault. Work it out like decent humans and/or suck

What a bunch of sniveling whiners on both sides! Are you people serious? "My mother taught me blah blah" and "I paid for those 83.92 cubic inches, dammit, I'm taking them!"

Yes, there's no nobility in 25,000 men and women leaving their families and homes for a year or more to go help defend an ally whose northern neighbor is nuclear, unstable, and technically still at war with them.

"Lighten up, Francis."

Valid points, but it's incredibly difficult to judge based off a few minutes of video. He may have been ordered down the slope, or had a mission objective that forced him down at that time despite the lack of effective cover and cover fire. And you'd probably agreet that until you've experienced taking fire/being

I hear you, but I feel like the mainstream recognition is what tips it over the top. It's like the granddaddy of 100 other nerdy games. It's the original nerdy gangsta. So to speak. hehe.

I feel like Warhammer has a touch of normalcy to it that makes it somewhat understandable to outsiders. People understand collecting things. They understand tabletop games that involve armies and conquests and terrain. They understand painting miniatures and the childhood allure of "playing with little green army

I've played so many strategy and tabletop games that this is utterly hypocritical and uninteresting, but I gotta go with the classic epitome of nerd gaming: D&D. As proof, just try to explain how the game is played to someone who doesn't know. Watch the look on their face as you explain the role of "Dungeon

Now playing

Haha. What do you bet it was Kripke using Apple's voice dictation?

Is that really any different from when a guy beats up another guy for sleeping with his wife? I think there's a natural tendency to take out one's grief and anger on the third party regardless of gender. Men pursue violence against the other guy, women name and shame the other woman. It's just easier to do the

The disparity between men and women being outed on this stupid facebook group has more to do with military demographics than sexism or bias.

Wait... where's the link to a PDF!? Crushing disappointment. Did I miss it somewhere?

I never even had a star, but I've been around long enough to know this is the truth. Seconded.