
The GPS satellite network is pre-existing, and I don't see why additional costs should be factored in on their behalf. This mortar round would simply be one more device that uses them.

1. You say the military is shockingly bad at art, but your examples are from private sector proposals TO the military. It's possible that the military officers entertaining these proposals are asking the same question.

Yeah, I hear you. But all military procurement is ridiculously expensive. But smart munitions, and other technology that enhances accuracy, reduces collateral, grants first-strike capability, or is highly protective is often worth it's weight (or more) in gold.

Since cost seems to be your thing, I offer this math problem:

[start scanner]

You also don't NEED Strykers. Or Abrams. Or MRAPs. Or thermal imaging. I mean, night vision is just as good, right? Let's just stick with what seems "good enough" from the comfy, uninformed spot on my couch, okay?

Close air support is often just that. Close. Troops that get in trouble and request air support need real-time communication with the forward air controller or air combat controller. They in turn need to be in real-time conversation with the CAS flight crews.

Look, man, you're entitled to your opinions, but I spent six years active duty Army in an intelligence specialty. My first duty station was South Korea. Think whatever you want about the F-22, but don't cop a patronizing attitude over how much time I've spent considering North Korea's operational habits and

Like I said, I have a lifetime of love for all the friendly fast-movers and rotary wing air support I saw above me while deployed in 2003. Even then, I was acutely aware of how privileged we were to have complete air superiority. Every single sound above us was friendly. That's something that my 19th century Army


I have a lot of respect for the Hornet and all of its variants, but it's an aging system and as others have mentioned, is NOT a stealth fighter as you suggest.

My goodness. On what data are you making some of these claims?? Your "facts" appear to be just subjective conclusions drawn from your own warm and fuzzy feelings.

How about every present and future conflict in which the opposing force has... um... Radar?

"What's 'veggies,' preciousss? What's veggies, eh?"

Oh man, this made me laugh. Kvndugan, you owe me 1/8 of a peanut butter cookie that just blew across my desk.

I spent time in counterintelligence, military police, attack aviation, and corps headquarters battalions. Yet I wasn't a counterintelligence agent, an MP, an Apache pilot, or a general. The man in question besmirched his own honorable service by misrepresenting it or allowing its nature to be misinterpreted by

It's not my fault that your "opinion" deserves to be berated. You claim to be happy that Steve Jobs is dead so that you can get some newer and shinier gadgets, and then expect us to value your viewpoint?

I hate to feed the troll, but I was too offended to let it pass. What a pathetic and selfish waste of oxygen you must be if that's how little you value your fellow humans, much less the ones that positively influenced the world in such a way.

Even if the government could hire the talent, Taxpayers can't afford the kind of costs and risks that biotech and pharmaceutical research and manufacturing incur. For every big drug, there's hundreds of drug candidates that don't pan out. For every biotech or pharma company that starts up and survives long enough to