Question: Why didn't Taylor just have his men gun down the Sixers outside Terra Nova?
Question: Why didn't Taylor just have his men gun down the Sixers outside Terra Nova?
I'm surprised that iDisk is absent from iCloud. I used it all the time as it was integrated right into OSX, but it looks like I'm going to start using Dropbox.
I have no doubt in my mind that this is coming.
I've been told by this video that "double hacking" happens all the time in law enforcement situations. I'll have to go revisit the script now armed with this new information.
I honestly doubt that anyone at EW knows who Richard Matheson is.
As you've been playing the beta for months, I have a question for you. How much like WoW is this game? I'm not trying to troll or start any flame wars, I genuinely want to know.
That's my plan. I figure that once I'm done with Skyrim (based on my time with Oblivion), both MW3 and BF3 will be bargain priced.
Also see: Vocal Giz Bloggers != everyone.
I'll bring the picket signs and the unions will bring the pizza!
I was similarly upset at the cop-out resurrection until I realized that it happens in comics all the time, haha.
I like Superman but I think he's more boring than Batman is. There's no drama when your protagonist is invincible. Also, Kryptonite storylines get old and Supes doesn't have very many good enemies.
Also, angsty teen screen-time is wasted screen-time.
Really? It seems like I only meet Creationists these days. I suppose the moderate Christians are just not as vocal as the Bible-thumpers.
*Shudder* That brain bug still gives me the heebie-jeebies.
Not to mention he had a whole planet full of clones of himself.
But... but the lightsaber wound was cauterized! And... and he was halved below all his major organs!
The Happening should have been titled "Global Warming: Earth Fights Back". Worst $10 I've ever spent.
Siri's voice sounds a little better than I expected. That said, I still look forward to computer speech that doesn't sound like it's assembling sentences from a library of individually recorded words.