Pathfinder was such a breath of fresh air when my group found it years back. Since, I've taken up playing Savage Worlds. It's such a great system, I'm not sure I'll ever go back to d20 rules.
Pathfinder was such a breath of fresh air when my group found it years back. Since, I've taken up playing Savage Worlds. It's such a great system, I'm not sure I'll ever go back to d20 rules.
I love sharks. I mean, I'm scared of them, but I love them. In order to face my fear (or curiosity), I signed up for a shark dive on the same day I received my open water SCUBA certification. After descending 80 feet to the ocean floor, I began to look around nervously as a divemaster in a chainmail suit began to…
One really fantastic novel adaptation was for James Cameron's "The Abyss", written by Orson Scott Card. Apparently, Cameron had Card present in all the writing sessions for the script as well as on set. He wrote the novel as the movie was shooting and gave his chapters to the actors to help define their characters.
I'd also recommend Pimsleur. I'm currently using it to learn Russian and I've never been more engaged by a language course. Most importantly, I feel like I'm making progress and I can tell that my recall is always getting better.
Here's your Batman/Superman tie-in DC!
I like the idea of a Batman Beyond movie with Reynolds as the mouthy new Batman, arguing with grumpy old Bruce over his headset.
They're the same. The Red God, R'hollor, is the Lord of Light
The only negative comments seem to echo my opinion that Loki is a weak enemy for the Avengers. I'll reserve judgement, of course, but I do wish the Avengers had a properly epic bad guy to face.
That was the most gut-wrenchingly brutal chapter I've ever read.
I also have XBMC Live installed on my Revo. A little digging revealed that our best bet is a fresh install. (Source: [])
"Mah stars! Mah boy was exposed to godless science fiction!"
So Japanese bees use Kamikaze tactics? Interesting.
I'm getting really tired of that "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPP" sound that's in every trailer these days. Is it supposed to be foreboding? Suspenseful? Or just annoying enough to get me to rant on the internet?
+1 for SimpleFit. I wasn't expecting much from it, but after 5 weeks, I'm stronger than I've ever been. All those pull-ups pack on muscle fast.
Agreed on The Grudge/Ju-On. If I have to watch one more movie with little kids wearing eyeliner standing in corners, I might claw my eyes out.
Makes sense. Looking at the Jedi and all the movies that came after through that lens, things seem to make a little more sense.
There's a lot of people saying that Lucas "lost his creative spark" or lost his passion for film making somewhere along the way, but I don't think that's true at all.
Haha, when I read "OMGANDTHEN!" this is all I could think of. Jump to 6:13; It's perfectly suited!
That "brehbrebre" sound is the worst thing to happen to movies since post-production 3D. Thanks, Michael Bay.