
The whole last season sucked. 8 episodes and nothing happened. Oh well, at least they'll probably make a movie to give the show a proper send-off.


I worked at Nielsen a couple years back. It's like they live in their own little world where their business plan is perfect. While their TV ratings system "works", they still can't track what you watch on your DVR and they have no idea how. Not to mention that they don't account for what anyone is watching

Finally! I've had this problem forever and every time I was talking to Apple customer service for something or other, I'd bring this up to see if they'd fixed it yet. Good to know that someone is listening.

This is an awesome idea.

Lucas and Spielberg each have one of those in their kitchens.

Lmao, my thoughts exactly. Ever since Sookie's fairy godmother died and they didn't bother to ever mention it again, I had hoped we were all done with that fairy business.

I agree with almost everything you wrote. The one point where I feel like I must disagree is on Spider-Man 3.

Eww! I didn't notice it at first, but I think you're right.

You have my undivided attention.

Although he stands no chance, I kind of like Jon Huntsman. I'm surprised the other candidates didn't go after him for coming out for evolution on Twitter. Then again, they're not threatened by him very much.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad it's true.

Yes please.

I liked it. It was similar to WWZ in that it was told via a series of flashbacks but I think that Robopocalypse was much more gory, if I can say that about a book. I listened to it as an audiobook so it may have been the narration, but there were several parts that had me cringing.

One of these days, the nerds are going to roll a nat 20. George Lucas' delusions will cease and realizing the destruction and pain he has caused, he will fall to his knees and weep for forgiveness.

Hitler never played Risk as a kid.

I feel the same way. I hear people praising movies like Human Centipede, Hostel, and their ilk as if the're some sort of post-modern art commentary on blah blah blah. I can't even sit through them.

Is it wrong that I laughed at "straight up rape"?

The iPhone 5: so thin, you can't see it.

The image of Marnie floating over Lafayette's bed will haunt my dreams forever. When I closed my eyes in the shower this morning, I saw her staring at me. Damn you, True Blood.