
That was the worst thing about CoD: World at War. I'd get booted out of 4-5 lobbies before I got into a game because I didn't have any of the new maps. That issue seems to have been solved with BlOps, but god was that frustrating.

Lol, zing!

I understand completely. After listening to practically nothing but The Beatles, Billy Joel, Queen and The Stones for the last year, I'm on a quest for great new music.

I'm just talkin' about Shaft.

"The swankiest slut ever in existence"

Hipster Half-Orc strikes again!

I've only ever closed 1 Oblivion Gate and I've put at least 80 hours into that game. Hilariously, it wasn't until hour 80 that I attempted the Gate and it was so hard that once I beat it I gave up on the main quest and quit playing.

You just blew my mind! It seems it wasn't until I read your comment that I realized how far mobile platforms have progressed, graphically speaking. That said, yes, I would like to play Morrowind on an iPad.

I'll pay triple for an Original Edition and take comfort that those are the last dollars I'll give Papa Lucas.

Looks awful. I hate how all the recent superhero costumes have had scales.

I'm not really digging it. Why do all superhero suits have scales now?

Papa Lucas should release a Special, Special Edition collection that's just the original movies in their un-doctored form; I'd pay triple for that. YOU HEAR ME LUCAS!? Stop what you're doing and I'll pay you MORE money!

"What negatives can come about by believing that humans are the cause of global temperature increases in the past hundred or so years"

Completely agree! It was pretty hilarious to see Nan lose it. She was like vampire Oprah in that scene: "True death for you, true death for you too Northman!"

Dear Sir,

But it also includes all the free DLC, and we all know how everyone loves to charge for DLC these days.

Have to agree about Asian horror. If I have to see one more little kid hiding in a corner wearing a pound of eyeshadow, I'll start banging my head against a wall.

I found SH1 in a bargain bin in Toys R Us a few years back. I picked it up, played for about 30 minutes and then couldn't continue. That game is scary. I could barely handle Dead Space!

"Shoooooot her!"

"You bastards!"