
No matter how much of an expert you may be, a shark is faster than your reflexes are. If it had come in any faster or come out of the water a little higher before it chomped down, her hand would be gone along with the fish.

IMO, Stopping power did no unbalance the game because everyone chose Stopping Power. You said it yourself, "...every single Perk other than Stopping Power in the first Perk set never get used." If everyone is using it, then everyone does more damage and the game is still balanced. It's things like Scavenger +

He didn't stand a chance, really. Ned lost to the Lannisters when he left Winterfell. They immediately saw him as a threat and treated him as such while Ned pranced around King's landing giving no thought to discretion. He ignored all the red flags thrust at him because he projects his code of honor onto others.

I'm really starting to disllike the moniker "action-RPG". I love RPGs, but if this is another straight-up action game with a half-assed leveling system, I think I'll pass.

That sentiment doesn't make you a commie, it makes you human.

I absolutely agree. Every game seems to want to blur the line between whatever its genre is and RPGs. The result is that real RPGs, instead of being flattered at all the attention they're getting, are seemingly striving to be more like the games that are emulating them.

I also am a die hard 3.5 fan. My gaming group started playing 4e last year so I had no choice in the matter. While I still prefer 3.5, once you give in to 4e you start becoming numb to it, and then oddly peaceful. Kind of like freezing to death.

It's those lips. Collagen alert!

If you haven't seen the second one, save yourself two hours and skip it.

Question. What kind of bear is best? WRONG. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.

Image fail.

Give it to me nowwwww

Sorry, didn't mean to insinuate that WoW was the first MMO, just that it has ruled the market over the last 8 years since its release. I guess there's still Everquest and a few others that are going strong using a subscription model, but I'd say that WoW is the undisputed king and most games to release since just

I'm not going to argue that WoW can't be beat but honestly, I feel like WoW's key to success was getting to the market first. Every MMO that comes out these days is labeled as a WoW clone, and some of them are just as fun as WoW is (though not as polished), at least in my experience. The issue is that everyone has

As much as shark terrify me, I can't help but be in awe by them. They're just completely perfect for their purpose and they've got this eerie grace that commands attention.

I would also have accepted Thomas Jane with a speargun, or LL Cool J with an oven.

Lmao, best comment ever!

Science is awesome! That said, I wish I could see things in other spectra...

Lol, seriously? I never saw The Green Hornet, but I know all about that Kato-Vision sequence in it.

Your soul is MINE!