
Lmao, thanks for making my morning.

In your opinion. There are lots of people that are enjoying it. Go play something else if you don't like it, no need to point out how much you hate the game over and over.

One of my college roommates insisted that Mortal Kombat is the second best movie ever made. When people (inevitably) proceeded to argue with him, he'd ask, "What's your second favorite movie?" Of course no one had an answer, to which he'd insist that because of their failure to choose, Mortal Kombat automatically

Man, nothing beats those propaganda videos with NPH in Starship Troopers.

I loved Battlestar, but I never really could get into Caprica. I was really turned off by all the religious postulation and terrorism parallels. I'm going to give Blood and Chrome a chance, hoping it will be more like BSG was.

It's so funny, Lego Jack even runs like Depp does in the movies; leaning back, hands waving.

Love that feature

Well you might like Brink. It's less of a twitch shooter like CoD is and seems to play more like Halo. When players have more health, it tends to take a little bit more strategy and skill to take them down. I feel like the health mechanic combined with the SMART system will make this game really stand out in terms

Speaking as a fellow Black Ops player who pre-ordered Brink, I'd hold on to Black Ops. My friends and I are getting tired of the CoD franchise and Brink looks to be a breath of fresh air. (Teamwork! I'm tired of teammates running past me while I'm stuck in second chance...)

I convinced a few of my friends to pick it up but we could always use another warrior! I'm yougotnick on Xbox Live.

Amen, brother. I remember seeing the very first S.M.A.R.T. video in the Ark's airport and thinking, "I need this game now." Seems like an eternity ago.

While I understand things like this make it hard to believe there are normal people here in the US, I hope it's evident that this guys represents at best our more backwoods residents. You don't see people driving a pickup truck armories around major metropolitan areas.

Ha, that was my first thought too.

That makes more sense. Thanks for the heads up!

Perhaps VoIP was the wrong term. I went looking for a source and found that there is, of course, VoIP in the PC version. I was referring to the absence of team chat on Xbox Live. In the 13 minute video posted in the comments above, Paul Wedgewood talks about how the team is very coordinated despite all in-game

Unfortunately, Brink multiplayer only supports 8 v 8

A roommate told me about this game a few years back and I completely forgot about it until I stumbled across a trailer back in January. I've been checking the website daily for more videos since. Seven more days!

For that I'm thankful. I enjoy CoD, but I feel so much more satisfied when it takes some skill to take out an enemy. Planning and execution > Itchy trigger finger.

Exactly the case. I think the HUD is pretty easy to figure out, but I keep checking the Brink site for more videos every day just to see something new.

Lmao! Thanks for making my afternoon.