
+1 for the 30 Rock reference. When it comes to Brink, I want to go to there.

I'm so excited for this game it's ridiculous! I'm actually looking forward to the lack of VoIP except for your friends list. No more 12 year olds screaming in my ear, and I'll actually receive useful communications from my team? Sign me up!

"I like toy-tools"

Nintendo could have hit one out of the park with online Super Smash Bros. Friend codes made it a pain, and the lag made it impossible. The Wii didn't have too many games that lent themselves well to online gaming, but those that did could have been great.

It's funny to think about how much this guy must hate Lord of the Rings. Every time he hears the name Frodo, he's gotta storm out of the room in a huff.

From many hands-on previews I've read to date, the general consensus is that SMART doesn't play the game for you. Instead, it's a tool that will help you get around faster if you have the foresight to use it in the right circumstances.

Agreed. I also disliked Cat from the start due to the way she treated Jon, but not as much as I disliked Lysa. The Arryn women are just crazy.

Man, Peter Dinklage really puts his shoulder behind those slaps! The indignation on Joff's face is priceless.


Ugh, I'm so disappointed. While RE: Raccoon City does look mildly interesting, I was really hoping for them to reboot the RE franchise. RE5 was hardly survival horror and RE:RC looks like even more of an action shooter. It's like they completely forgot that everyone loved RE when it was scary...

Is anyone else tired of Brandon Routh? I mean, jeez, who keeps giving this guy work?!

This looks like Left 4 Dead but better.

On the flip side, there can be a villain that is too vulnerable. I've always thought Fortune and Vamp from MGS2 were just a little bit over the top.

Same here. It's ridiculous that DRM should punish the people that pay for the game, and I'd rather skip the experience all-together.

I couldn't agree more. There's no fact-checking, no verification, just some uninformed clown writing B.S. for the shock value and moving on to the next story.

Ha, that or on Le Facebook.

Just to see if it feel right.

"He also explained that The Avengers will feature some more hammer use than what we see in Thor"

Same here! I just finished Feast for Crows again... I didn't think it was possible to enjoy the books more than I did the first time through.

My thoughts exactly. I'm hoping that the series will be more like the original video and less like whatever this was.