
None of it’s free. It’s either supplemented by parents or a cost to the taxpayer. No kid should be in school hungry. However, this is not solving a problem, only throwing money at a symptom. Our school system has an easy fix: Kid walks up, gives their name and they are given food. The parents get a bill.

Man, I thought Red Sox fans had a complex. Falcon’s fans seem to feel they are predisposed to gut-punch losses.

Do Your Job 2 breaks this down really well. I’ll watch tonight.....for a 6th time.

That’s in Utah.

His knee did blow up once.....then he won 2 more Super Bowls.

You guys are not going to want to tune into the NFL Network tonight.

Can I have Lucchino’s number? I’d like to tell him to go fuck himself regarding trying to get taxpayers to build him a minor league stadium. Please and thank you

any excuse for this. 1992 at Zack’s house:

“Now, that Elliot fellow. Well, he’s going to be some point”

Oh, I’ve been in the greys since the election, even though I think Trump is an idiot. You can’t call out too many facts that interfere with their narrative.

Don’t people find this celebrity-fucking stuff embarrassing? You were the First Lady of the US. This shit is why the world is a sewer.

Jezebel: Where they applaud shrewd business long as you do as we say.

Clint Murchison was involved in the Kennedy Assassination and that’s the second worst thing he did.

You hit it on the head. The reason she is now contrite is the 50 fucking years in prison. I leave it up to the family. If they say she stays in, she stays in.

I can’t believe Milhouse’s mother could do such a thing.

I believe the reason they didn’t was that “They did not feel they needed to in order to win”.

Article 46, folks. If he decides that he “more than likely had knowledge of beating her” he’s going to sit for a few games.

Marty Barrett


No shit? That happened? smh