
I'm holding an oil burning session all day, every day. is my baby, made in Rapidweaver

Yeah but what's more important is that the technology is here, now. Sure it's way to expensive for anyone but rich early adopters but as we've seen with virtually every technology ever, price will come down as the movie business continues to innovate.

whats your site?

Yeah I know what you mean. I'm a video editor and fulltime student with a little bit of hobbyist mixed in. Here's my setup in study mode, but everything has a purpose for everything and is very modular.

Definitely not worth the effort and totally gimmicky- photos would have had to be taken out of Instagram, then selected after the fact using the "Choose Photos" button. Anyone with any level of Photoshop or even iPhoto skill could have probably recreated the filters and batch processed everything in half the time of

XP2 Quadrotor $600 off

Bought a quadrocopter because it was $600 off. No regrets though, already have clients in need of footage from one!

Very true. My plan of attack is simple- focus on the idea with the highest chance of success immediately. While you're hammering away at that idea, sure others will come out of it but put those in your idea bank. Then when you get the ball rolling on your first idea and it's part of your daily routine, go for the next

Switching to Norton.

Since moving to Ohio from Indiana for college I've gotten screwed over, hard for Colts games. Considering getting a Slingbox and leaving it home at my parent's house to avoid this crap again.

For the college age argument- I'm college aged, with an Indiana license but a registered resident of Ohio and voted. I just had to bring in proof of residency.

So wait, you lack the means to transport yourself to acquire proper identification but not the means to access the Internet... Priorities man, priorities.

About the new iMac. I have the new macbook linked below

Sweet, according to the warning slide if you're a professional filmmaker you'll be totally cool in knowing all of the proper safety procedures of handling dry ice, but it's too unsafe for anyone else. Sweet!

Right now I'm using air display but it gives me a bit of latency from time to time. Because of that I'm about to jailbreak the iPad because I read that you can have the usb connection show up as a wifi connection instead using usb for the screen data instead of wifi, eliminating lag.

I do a lot of video editing, so the top one I use for my viewer window and to review footage since it's the Retina display so I can get the highest fidelity in my image when outputting. the other one is simply for Spotify, task management apps etc.

Nah dude I wear boot cut jeans, hate hats and coffee. To keep breaking your stereotype I'm a conservative in my political views. I need this to run my businesses (plural). With a setup like this, why the hell would I need to sit at Starbucks? I couldn't get any work done, I need the screen real estate.

Thanks. I really really like the Thunderbolt display. Really nothing out there compares, and since I use it primarily for video editing, it's a dream. You can save some money on it here