I’m glad they didn’t try to do a Banjo game or something because it would just pale in comparison to Yooka-Laylee.
Yeah, the number of scumbags that pull the "work for free for exposure, it's good for your career" are insane. DONT work for free, not because it devalues it, but because 99% of the people out there don't want to pay you what you are worth.
This is the third time they've done this sketch, and it is somehow not yet completely tiresome. This latest edition…
You should write up something about this for Hackerspace. I'd read it!
You should write up something about this for Hackerspace. I'd read it!
The stablebit scanner will give you a good idea if the drives are trustworthy or not. You can install the trial of the scanner on any available computer, and throw the questionable drives in it, and run scans on them to see, before committing to a build if they are likely to run reliably. I also suggest running on…
I'm not sure. I'm just starting to look into switching over myself. FreeNAS might still work best for you, but just take a good hard look at both options before pulling any triggers.
I would suggest instead run your favorite flavour of windows (unless you know linux terminal commands out the hooha(.
Again, YMMV. I'm sure there's a number of happy successes out there for one of me. I think as long as you remember KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid), you shouldn't have issues.
If you go for freenas, be very ready to do some extensive reading and take time to properly modify and configure your jails. FreeNAS is infinitely more powerful than any other NAS related solution I've tried and even has functionality capable of supporting server level tasks. I use it for plex, crashplan, sickbeard,…
Not really answering your question, but rather a word of caution: Make sure you really want to spend the time and effort doing this. I did it a few years back to replace an old Drobo, and while it was fun doing the build and initial setup, I severely underestimated the effort and maintenance that continues to go into…
I am running 6 * 2TB with ZFS2 and ECC RAM with i3. I went with 6 drives because RAIDZ-1 isn't recommended anymore with FreeNAS. I would suggest going with 4 drives, and ZFS Mirror or 6 Drives and RAIDZ-2.
If it's for personal use, take a look at NAS4free instead. I'm currently running a FreeNAS box and am regretting it. The latest version will not work with my old hardware, the enterprise-level security is annoying and the feature set is really not tailored to home use.
I think this is an unfortunate metaphor, given the way roller coasters work.
When I go to malls or outlet malls, I like to take pictures of the directory/map so that no matter where I am in the mall, I can reference the map. Woo
I've made this point to my family (muslim) and they agree, It really is just a general holiday, like family day, rather than a religious holiday.
In the military, six P's are followed:
I highly rec-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-omemend this post.