
It’s not so much the loudness but rather the quality of the sound. When it sounds good - crank it!

TLDR: You can do walk up at the agency (no appointment required)

Pierce Brosnan - “The Tailor of Panama” Although he plays a spy (again) this time we see him as a real P.O.S.

I did some goalie coaching for my sons’ soccer team (U9 through U14) and I did a drill where I had the goalie stand on the line facing the back of the net and I would shoot from the top of the box. They had to listen for the sound of the kick and react accordingly. Tough drill but it did help....

So revive Buell? Sounds good to me!

Vegas shouls not have touched the Clarence Campbell Bowl!

While Vanguard is the adviser for both of these plans, each plan may have different fund/track offerings and of course for state tax purposes the difference matters. As an aside when they created these plans they put them under the Municipal Securities Rule Board (MSRB) which is the main (only?) reason why we have

Don’t pop a squat on the trolley midflight in protest of xxx...

Short high and cover low...

So they can gerrymander them out of existence...

Yes, per Walters musing about the phrase "In a pigs eye"

Still needs gravity to work properly

Perhaps he was being possessed by the Ghost of Steve Jobs?

I saw Tangerine Dream (Robert Fripp opened) at Massey Hall in Toronto in the late 80's. Show was great but they had so much equipment that they tripped the main breaker during the show. When it happened again during the encore, they weren't allowed to continue due to fire hazard.

Just getting us ready for the "rappers taking it the rest of the way" part of the article...

On other point about all this is that most on-street parking (on streets and not avenues) in NYC is free and does not require resident permits/stickers (like they do in Boston or other cities). Plenty of Seinfeld episodes that incorporated or focused on parking in The City.

It's not the walking, it's the being on your feet on a concrete floor all day...

Wired article was a good pick up but this was on NPR almost a month earlier.

Ear plugs won't do nuthin'