It probably can't can't do 1.4million fps per second, but can it produce something worthy of 1.4 million faps per second?
It probably can't can't do 1.4million fps per second, but can it produce something worthy of 1.4 million faps per second?
Having lived in the region I can tell you that a large number of drivers (taxi, trucking, etc) are real-life bedouins that come into the city from the desert every now and then for work. This matters because they (and more locals than you would imagine) take the lines on the road as the line to drive on, not in…
Actually, the 135mm lens has been the default portrait lens in 35mm film cameras. Due to the less than 100% image capture of DSLR cameras (and the distortion/reduction of field it creates) that 135mm lens translates into 105mm for newer cameras.
Nope it's "European" $29.99 = $29,99 on the other side of the pond...
Prolly cause there's too many people around who aren't part of the "action" that would get gassed, and it's not like there's anyone here who would try to sue the police for any manner of inconvenience/pain & suffering...
Pepper Spray though...
What he said...
So +1/3 ?
Dear Gizmodo,
Nope but I think you just may find his cousin - Jebus...
I had to click away for 23 seconds to ignore the ad served up to me...
He was (is) called Snowy in Canada too...
I have a BBerry (and have had for years) theElev3nth has spoken the truth, Ruth!
I like how the ad played immediately and completely but the embedded player borked on playing what I actually wanted to watch...
an object that is simultaneously emitting wavelengths that could be interpreted as blue and yellow — even if such a simultaneous, "impossible" color
Clever is cool...
while "more superior" is a perfectly cromulent phrase, "more better" would've worked too...
When using Yards as measure for soil & the like, it is *almost* always understood that the yards in question are indeed cubic in nature.
Actually, Larry had to fight like crazy to have the insurance company treat each tower separately. ([]