
Love love love me some Paranoia Agent.

I don’t agree with a ton of what you said here, and many of your criticisms are what I liked about that movie. But very well written and you seem to know your shit. I’ll be following this from now on.

There were only two timelines until the very final scene. I think the op’s point is relatively sound.

I haven’t read a Drizzt book since around The Sellswords. Where should I start to get back into them? The three King books? Orc King, Ghost King, and whatever the middle one was called. Or is that skipping something?

I kind of agree, but the extended fighting aliens sequence at the end really took me out of the movie. It should have ended with her seeing the spaceship off in the distance. He was right all along, the end.

I need to go back and read all of Invincible. I read the first twelve issues or so, and just fell off it. Everything I hear about it sounds great though.

I have been meaning to, and just haven’t gotten around to it. Good?

The problem with that, as I understand things, is that if a publisher doesn’t use a character at all for a certain amount of time it eventually enters the public domain. So, Cap can stay dead for awhile, but there’s no way Marvel is going to let their rights on Steve Rogers lapse and have DC or Image or just some

That’s not very civil of you.

She is missing her arm. I’m thinking that she wants him to help Farouk for selfish reasons. Like she is wounded and David dies defeating him once and for all, and she would just rather keep David and damn the rest of the world.

Are you me?

It wasn’t a map to Luke’s location specifically. It was a map of the ancient Jedi temples that he had been following. They were following his map to try to find him, they were just missing the part with the X marking the spot.

That was the point. It was bad idea. It was Poe and Finn fucking up, trying to be heroes. That’s the whole theme of the film. Heroes are just people, and people often make mistakes, sometimes the same ones over and over again.

As far as I know it’s still coming back, just without Fuller and Gillian Anderson. Kristin Chenowith is probably out as well. That said, I can’t see it living up to the promise of the first season.

Alright. All that enthusiasm has sold me. I’m especially intrigued by that middle line. Thanks for the recommendation!

Yeah, it goes on sale through Steam pretty regularly. I’ll check it out. Although Rise and Fall has me invested in Civ VI finally, and Subnautica is just too much fun. Maybe I’ll get to it one day! Lol Thanks for the recommendation.

The Witness is that good huh? I keep thinking about getting it, but the fact that it’s only one type of puzzle keeps putting me off. I was thinking it was like a Professor Layton type with many different types of things until I saw the trailer the other day.

This seems... Interesting. So much of my entertainment now comes from Podcasts. Can’t wait to see what comes next if this proves to be popular.

I’ll be playing FF XII on Steam. Really good port so far, for the four hours or so I out into it last night. And all the different Liscense Boards in this addition make everyone feel a lot different then they did back in the PS2 days.