Wiz 8 is really solid. Definitely worth tracking down.
Wiz 8 is really solid. Definitely worth tracking down.
Good God I love a Baconator.
I can see Raimi's directing style turning people off but I like it okay, at least enough to where it doesn't drag me out of the experience. I totally agree that Garfield was a better Spider-Man and Maguire a better Peter. Actually I agree with pretty much everything you've said here. I guess we don't have to agree to…
Agree to disagree I guess. The second movie in particular, I felt, is the definitive Spider-Man movie. The First and Third were a bit weaker, but I thought all three were good movies.
I was pissed that (among many many other things that movie did wrong) they didn't let him keep his shredded lab coat on for more than like two seconds.
Yeah, I actually really like the premise of this season because the Observers/Invaders have always been the most interesting part of the show to me. But even I admit that we just seem to be going in circles here.
Hahaha, I didn't claim it was a good explanation. But it was the one we were given. Sort of.
The Machine is an ontological paradox. No one created it, and it has no origin point. Walter and Peter tracked down all the parts in the other future that we were shown in Season 3 (where Olivia's Niece was the bad ass Fringe Agent) and sent them back into the pre-historic past through a worm hole that had opened in…
Exactly what I was thinking.
The trick is to take some Black Blotter that has been sitting in a lab for well over three decades. Our stuff today just can't compete to aged acid from yesteryear!
That is my exact opinion of that movie, word for word.
Adaptation is a movie actually. Hard to sum up in a synopsis. Essentially it's a movie about the process of adapting a movie from a book. But the movie you are watching is the one being written in the film... It's something you just need to watch.
This is one of the most puzzling things I have ever laid eyes on. I understand doing cash grabs or something... but... uh... I think you summed it up best with "What..."
Why in the hell would you ever edit out a giant walrus monster who gets thawed out when giant atomic rockets melt Antarctica?!
Good answer. Well said.
That is a fair point, and one I think most of the Mojang staff would agree with you on. Still, many people do find Minecraft's art to be aesthetically pleasing. So I think that video game graphics are a bit of a middle ground between subjective art and objective craft. It's another interesting facet to the "Are Video…
"Good" art is a completely subjective concept. I think Georgia O'Keefe is rubbish, but I don't go around trying to tell people she's shit. If the above posters think the art is "good", then it is to them.
I actually never even had one of those. I was always jealous of my friends who did. My NES just came with the standard SMB cart.
You may appreciate these then. If you haven't already seen them.