
And the episode immediately before this one, where they were spying on Jason and Andy to find out who the Dragon was.

Bill is definitely brainwashed in some way. All these religious kooks are. Salome is debatable, but I think even she is brainwashed by the Lilith Blood somehow.

What? She does that shit all the time. Go back and watch the first few episodes of season one when she is working at Wal-Mart or wherever. She gets fired for making remarks about being a slave or something.

Yeah, Godric was older than Jesus and mentioned how he wished he'd met him. Eric should be around 1000, and Salome should be very close to 2000. I don't actually think we know just how old Russell is, but I never pinned him as being older than Godric.

Yeah. Russell hasn't seemed sincere about any of this Religious shit the entire time. He was practically laughing as he begged all their forgiveness in the name of Lilith upon his glorious return.

I mean, what is she really in charge of? Nora is the only one who is really following her lead at this point, and maybe Brainwashed Bill. Eric, Russell and Steve have all obviously just been playing along for their own agendas. The Black Authority Guy is barely even a character, and Southern Sharon Osbourne Vampire is

I totally agree with you. Just keep cranking out cheaper films of just random X-Files cases. I'd even love to see a movie that is a bit more tongue in cheek, like the Luke Wilson vampire episode, or the Jose Chung's From Outer Space episode, or even the Cops episode (not that that was hilarious exactly, but it was

Yeaaaaah, but the last one was a Monster of the Week movie and it bombed. I actually thought it was pretty good, for that exact reason. But I think most people want to see the Invasion or whatever.

He was quite good in The Oxford Murders with Elijah Wood. Worth checking out if you've never seen it.

I think the real roadblock is that Games Workshop makes most of their money from the sale of miniatures, so if they were to digitize everything they would lose that massive cash cow.

That's fair, but in their defense this is still dealing with the fallout of that event. This whole series has been based on what happened in Blackest Night, so it was inevitable that Black Hand would pop up again at some point.

A frequent GL villain being used more than once in the span of three years?! Good Lord! Stop the presses!

Or ate them.

That's fair. But it may just be that he's been relegated to that sort of military/action guy role. I can't really think of anything I've seen him in that wasn't that type of character, now that you bring this up.

That is a point I cannot refute.

My love of Shared Universe Continuities has me jumping for joy and putting all of those shows on my Netflix Queue to make sense of it all!

Qui'Gon requests to train him. Yoda rebukes him saying it is a bad idea. Then in his very next sentence, Yoda says Yeah okay. We'll train him. Why not?

That was a fantastic episode. I also liked Luke Wilson's super campy Vampire episode that had both Mulder and Scully relating the tale from their varying points of view. Clever stuff.

Have you seen The Hurt Locker? The kid has real acting chops. He's not going anywhere soon.

They left that space open intentionally, so that the lucky purchaser can pretend they are a part of the band too!